**Understanding the Impact of Illness on Baby Boomers**
As the Baby Boomer Generation continues to age, the prevalence and impact of illness among this demographic are becoming increasingly significant. Baby Boomers, born between 1946 and 1964, are facing a variety of health challenges ranging from chronic conditions like heart disease and Diabetes to age-related issues such as arthritis and cognitive decline. The healthcare industry is adapting to meet the unique needs of this generation, with a focus on preventive care, managing multiple chronic conditions, and promoting overall well-being. Understanding the relationship between illness and Baby Boomers is crucial for healthcare professionals, policymakers, and individuals themselves to ensure that this Aging population can lead healthy and fulfilling lives.
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Introducing Natalie “NatNat” Bedard, a beacon of resilience and empowerment. In 2019, she founded Lift OneSelf, offering profound energy healing services. Despite grappling with a life-threatening illness and single parenthood to three boys, Natalie is a steadfast mentor on the journey of self-d…
Introducing Natalie “NatNat” Bedard, a beacon of resilience and empowerment. In 2019, she founded Lift OneSelf, offering profound energy healing services. Despite grappling with a life-threatening…
Introducing Natalie “NatNat” Bedard, a beacon of resilience and empowerment. In 2019, she founded Lift OneSelf, offering profound energy healing services. Despite grappling with a life-threatening illness and single parenthood to three boys, Natalie is a steadfast mentor on the journey of self-discovery and healing. With her profound understanding of the nervous system, she specializes in unraveling emotional blockages and reigniting intuitive connections. Natalie’s trauma-competent approach is truly transformative. She guides individuals to embrace their fullest potential through small,…
Life has a way of testing us, whether it’s through natural disasters (LA is still on fire), personal loss (death of a parent, friend or spouse), illness (cancer or hysterectomy), or career upheaval (getting fired, let go or pushed out).For anyone interacting with your coworker, neighobr or friend …
Life has a way of testing us, whether it’s through natural disasters (LA is still on fire), personal loss (death of a parent, friend or spouse), illness (cancer or hysterectomy), or career upheaval …
Life has a way of testing us, whether it’s through natural disasters (LA is still on fire), personal loss (death of a parent, friend or spouse), illness (cancer or hysterectomy), or career upheaval (getting fired, let go or pushed out).For anyone interacting with your coworker, neighobr or friend out West, offering support can feel daunting. What do you say? What do you do? How do you truly help?Here are seven practical approaches to support someone navigating tough times, including job loss—a stressor that often carries not only financial but also emotional weight.1. “What can I do to s…
I was very interested to hear the profound near-death experience (NDE) of Dr. Michael Hessian, a renowned cardiac physician. Dr. Hessian shares his journey from battling a severe pneumonia that led to a near-death experience, to his astonishing recovery and the incredible transformation in his perso…
I was very interested to hear the profound near-death experience (NDE) of Dr. Michael Hessian, a renowned cardiac physician. Dr. Hessian shares his journey from battling a severe pneumonia that led to…
I was very interested to hear the profound near-death experience (NDE) of Dr. Michael Hessian, a renowned cardiac physician. Dr. Hessian shares his journey from battling a severe pneumonia that led to a near-death experience, to his astonishing recovery and the incredible transformation in his personal and professional life. I was fascinated to hear Dr. Hession talk about what he could perceive when we was in a non-communicative, comatose state. Although he could not speak, he was well aware of what was happening around him. He talks about the different approaches people had to interacting wit…
You can read part one of this blog series by clicking here.The Danger of Minimizing Parkinson's Disease At a recent Parkinson’s summit, I found myself in a conversation that left my skin crawling. A coordinator asked a person with Parkinson’s (PWP) how he was doing. The PWP smiled and sa…
You can read part one of this blog series by clicking here.The Danger of Minimizing Parkinson's Disease At a recent Parkinson’s summit, I found myself in a conversation that left my skin cra…
You can read part one of this blog series by clicking here.The Danger of Minimizing Parkinson's Disease At a recent Parkinson’s summit, I found myself in a conversation that left my skin crawling. A coordinator asked a person with Parkinson’s (PWP) how he was doing. The PWP smiled and said, “I’ve learned Parkinson’s isn’t that bad. In fact, I’d rather have Parkinson’s than colon cancer.”His opinion is, of course, his own, and I respect his right to feel that way. But as I listened, it struck me that he wasn’t just sharing his experience—he was trying out a narra…
David has a conversation Tracy Heath, an author Before Goodbye. Tracy shares her journey of turning personal grief into a guide for others. It is written to assist families in preparing for terminal illnesses and avoiding future regrets. They explore grief management, and navigating family …
David has a conversation Tracy Heath, an author Before Goodbye. Tracy shares her journey of turning personal grief into a guide for others. It is written to assist families in preparing for termi…
David has a conversation Tracy Heath, an author Before Goodbye. Tracy shares her journey of turning personal grief into a guide for others. It is written to assist families in preparing for terminal illnesses and avoiding future regrets. They explore grief management, and navigating family complexities during illness. Tune in as Tracy offers practical tools and heartfelt advice for creating meaningful memories with loved ones and preparing for life's unexpected challenges. For David's book, other resources and more visit
This episode was our most downloaded in 2024.TW: Support for Domestic Violence Survivors in Religious SettingsThe conversation explores the sensitive topic of domestic violence in religious contexts, emphasizing the need for awareness and support for survivors. Tia's experiences within her religious…
This episode was our most downloaded in 2024.TW: Support for Domestic Violence Survivors in Religious SettingsThe conversation explores the sensitive topic of domestic violence in religious contexts, …
This episode was our most downloaded in 2024.TW: Support for Domestic Violence Survivors in Religious SettingsThe conversation explores the sensitive topic of domestic violence in religious contexts, emphasizing the need for awareness and support for survivors. Tia's experiences within her religious community highlight the challenges faced by individuals trapped in abusive situations. The episode encourages proactive involvement in recognizing and addressing abuse, promoting justice, and providing ongoing support for survivors seeking safety and healing.Trauma took your past, but it does not h…
Dr. Robb Kelly, PhD is a sought-after recovery expert who believes in treating the causes of addiction and not the symptoms. Dr. Kelly has appeared on such shows as The Doctors, Eye Opener, Good Morning Texas, and Kens5 morning news. A frequent contributor to radio and print interviews includin…
Dr. Robb Kelly, PhD is a sought-after recovery expert who believes in treating the causes of addiction and not the symptoms. Dr. Kelly has appeared on such shows as The Doctors, Eye Opener, Good Mor…
Dr. Robb Kelly, PhD is a sought-after recovery expert who believes in treating the causes of addiction and not the symptoms. Dr. Kelly has appeared on such shows as The Doctors, Eye Opener, Good Morning Texas, and Kens5 morning news. A frequent contributor to radio and print interviews including The Jim Bohannon show, Miracles in Recovery, USA Today, and participated in McLean Hospital’s (Harvard Medical School) study on the stigma associated with mental illness. Dr. Kelly hosted Sober Celebs show on KLIF radio in Dallas, and currently hosts the Breaking Through Addiction pod…
Dr. Robb Kelly, PhD is a sought-after recovery expert who believes in treating the causes of addiction and not the symptoms. Dr. Kelly has appeared on such shows as The Doctors, Eye Opener, Good Morning Texas, and Kens5 morning news. A frequent contributor to radio and print interviews includin…
Dr. Robb Kelly, PhD is a sought-after recovery expert who believes in treating the causes of addiction and not the symptoms. Dr. Kelly has appeared on such shows as The Doctors, Eye Opener, Good Mor…
Dr. Robb Kelly, PhD is a sought-after recovery expert who believes in treating the causes of addiction and not the symptoms. Dr. Kelly has appeared on such shows as The Doctors, Eye Opener, Good Morning Texas, and Kens5 morning news. A frequent contributor to radio and print interviews including The Jim Bohannon show, Miracles in Recovery, USA Today, and participated in McLean Hospital’s (Harvard Medical School) study on the stigma associated with mental illness. Dr. Kelly hosted Sober Celebs show on KLIF radio in Dallas, and currently hosts the Breaking Through Addiction pod…
This week Tee is delighted to welcome Dr. LJ Johnson. Dr. Johnson specializes in hormones and gut health while utilizing holistic functional medicine. Dr. Johnson's passion stems from her own personal experience of managing multiple chronic illness diagnoses including the 16 years it took for her to…
This week Tee is delighted to welcome Dr. LJ Johnson. Dr. Johnson specializes in hormones and gut health while utilizing holistic functional medicine. Dr. Johnson's passion stems from her own personal…
This week Tee is delighted to welcome Dr. LJ Johnson. Dr. Johnson specializes in hormones and gut health while utilizing holistic functional medicine. Dr. Johnson's passion stems from her own personal experience of managing multiple chronic illness diagnoses including the 16 years it took for her to be properly diagnosed with endometriosis. Dr. LJ has worked in the women's health industry for over 25 years while overcoming her own diagnosis of endometriosis. Her passion is to empower, motivate and educate all women, so they too can have quality of life despite their symptoms or diagnosis. In …
Photo: Rowen Smith for Unsplash+The EndGame is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.If you are a male born in the first wave of the baby boom (1946 to 1957), you probably absorbed some problematic ideas about masculinit…
Photo: Rowen Smith for Unsplash+The EndGame is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.If you are a male born in the first…
Photo: Rowen Smith for Unsplash+The EndGame is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.If you are a male born in the first wave of the baby boom (1946 to 1957), you probably absorbed some problematic ideas about masculinity.Yes, it’s true that we (I’m including myself, born 1951) lived through major social upheavals in the 1960s and 1970s that brought into question traditional values about gender roles and gender equality. And yes, we may have adopted “progressive” or “enlightened” views over time. But in…