Sunday - February 9th, 2025
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Diabetes EveryDay

With new videos every week, I’ll give a you an insider’s scoop on how to manage your diabetes from both a personal and professional perspective. My videos are appropriate for people with type 2 diabetes, type 1 diabetes as well as family and friends. I’ll include lifestyle vlogs on my best food recommendations (sample meals, and tricks to dining out), sneaky ways to be more active and how it effects blood sugar levels (you may be surprised at some of my real time experiences), coping (dealing with a chronic condition and managing it), and I’ll keep you up to date on the latest medications and technologies. If you like to read, check out my book, Diabetes Meal Planning and Nutrition for Dummies

I look forward to inspiring you and living a full and happy life with diabetes

40 episodes
Most Recent Episodes

I love this quick and easy recipe idea for plant-based tacos that is #diabetesfriendly . I even include a side of tortilla chips and salsa!#diabetes #bloodsugar #plantbasedrecipes #type1warrior...

Not everyone who talks to themself is crazy -- some are managing diabetes. Diabetes can be so confusing and frustrating, that's true....but a little self-talk can help keep you focused on the right...

Don't worry, the whole video will be shown at a later date. Clark decided to join me on set today and it's pretty darn cute not to share right away. I can't stop laughing and laughing is very welcome...


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