Wednesday - April 24th, 2024
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Posts Tagged With ‘ Royce Shook ’

Time Management
April 24th, 2024

 When it comes to managing your money, time plays a crucial role in shaping your decisions. Time affects investment decisions in several ways: Time Horizon: This is the length of time an investment is held before it’s needed. Those with a shorter time horizon might invest more conservatively, while those with a longer horizon can take on more risk, as they can benefit from the power of compounding over time. Chronos: This Greek concept of time refers to sequential, measurable time. In finance, it’s about disciplined saving and steady wealth accumulation through regular contributions... Continue Reading

April 24th, 2024
Genetics and dementia
April 23rd, 2024

The connection between our genes and dementia has to do with certain types of dementia being caused or influenced by specific genes. One of the most common forms of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, is thought to be influenced by multiple genes and other factors like environment and lifestyle. The strongest genetic risk factor for late-onset Alzheimer’s is a variant of the APOE gene, specifically the ε4 allele. However, not everyone who has this allele will develop Alzheimer’s, and not everyone with Alzheimer’s has this allele. Early-onset Alzheimer’s disease, which... Continue Reading

April 23rd, 2024
My personal thanks to all the volunteers I work with every day
April 22nd, 2024

 April is volunteer appreciation month. Many seniors volunteer. These statements from volunteers highlight the personal and social benefits of volunteering, as well as the positive impact it has on both volunteers and the recipients of their support. I work with two senior organizations in my community; I am President of one and Chair of the other. We could not do what we do without the support of our volunteers. So I asked them what is it about volunteering that appeals, and their answers are below. My thanks to those who responded and a huge thank you to all of the volunteers I work with who... Continue Reading

April 22nd, 2024
Do you remember measles?
April 21st, 2024

Let’s celebrate the vibrant health and resilience of our communities! While it’s true that the memories of diseases like measles have faded over the past few generations, it’s essential to recognize the importance of vaccinations in preserving our well-being. Measles, a once-common threat, has largely disappeared from our collective consciousness, thanks to the success of vaccines introduced in the 1960s. However, as we’ve seen in other parts of the world, complacency can lead to a resurgence of this highly contagious disease, with potentially severe consequences. Measles,... Continue Reading

April 21st, 2024
The language of the heart
April 20th, 2024

 In the intricate dance of love, challenges unfold, As we strive to bridge the vast expanse, a story to be told. The great difficulty, a formidable quest, To traverse the abyss, where consciousness rests.   Bridging the gap between two souls’ domains, Understanding echoes, breaking through the chains. Mapping the inner landscape, a journey profound, Exploring trust and vulnerability, love’s sacred ground.   Teaching one another the language of the heart, Unveiling needs and desires, an intimate art. In the tapestry of connection, threads are tightly woven, A testament to the love,... Continue Reading

April 20th, 2024
To the love of my life, lets dance.
April 19th, 2024

 In the poetry of life, the dance unfolds, A burning violin, a tale to be told. Dance me to your beauty, an enchanting embrace, In the rhythm of kindness, a harmonious grace.   Through the panic of life, let kindness guide, A dance that soothes, like a tranquil tide. Gather me safely in your compassionate arms, In the dance of empathy, where kindness warms.   Lift me as an olive branch, a symbol of peace, In the dance of benevolence, worries cease. Be my homeward dove, soaring above, In the dance of generosity, boundless love.   To the end of love, let the dance extend, A timeless waltz, a... Continue Reading

April 19th, 2024
kindness takes the stage,
April 18th, 2024

In the comedy of life, kindness takes the stage, A thread so soft, it’s like a comedic sage. Intertwining with actions in a comical dance, Creating patterns, a laughter-filled trance.   It’s gentle like a joke whispered in the ear, Yet remarkably resilient, spreading cheer. A tapestry of humour, woven with grace, Kindness adds layers, a smile on every face.   With each act, a punchline in the grand show, A jest of compassion that continues to grow. Indelible marks left on hearts, so divine, As kindness becomes the punchline of time.   It’s the soft chuckle of a helping hand, A... Continue Reading

April 18th, 2024
The symphony of life
April 17th, 2024

In the symphony of life, a catalogue of ‘afters’ unfolds, A melody of moments, precious and untold. Navigating the score, with choices to make, Wisdom realized, not to let moments forsake.   The coffee grows cold, a subtle metaphor, For time slipping away, knocking on the door. Priorities dance, a shifting ballet, In the rhythm of life, they constantly sway.   Promises, like notes, can be easily lost, In the hustle and bustle, the price is the cost. The symphony plays on, a relentless stream, Yet, the echoes of broken vows haunt our dreams.   Children grow, like the crescendo’s... Continue Reading

April 17th, 2024
The tapestry of life
April 16th, 2024

The tapestry of life is such that moments and memories are intertwined in the same way threads are woven. Weavers, we give ourselves a role in the story of our lives. Every thread represents our choices, who we really are, and how much we have been able to leave out on the canvase of life. Imagine an expansive horizon surrounded by a loom that encompasses almost every experience of which you might think. This loom also allows us to weave vibrant threads such as joy, kindness and love which light up even the darkest corners transforming ordinary things into masterpieces. In this loom, there are echoes... Continue Reading

April 16th, 2024
The mirror of memories
April 15th, 2024

 In the mosaic of olden days, reflections unfold, The rearview mirror of memories, a tale to be told. Highs and lows painted on the canvas of time, A masterpiece of life, an intricate rhyme.   Laughter and tears, like brushstrokes so bold, In the gallery of recollections, stories are scrolled. People, once vivid, in my journey they played, A tapestry of connections and memories laid.   Some departed, like whispers in the wind, Time’s gentle teacher, lessons chime within. No rewind button in life’s relentless track, A realization dawns, no going back.   Parents, like anchors, in the... Continue Reading

April 15th, 2024