Saturday - July 27th, 2024
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Real Confidence

Real confidence isn’t situational or temporary. It’s a learned skill that anyone can master at any time. Join host Alyssa Dver, CEO of The American Confidence Institute, 7-time author, 2-time TEDx and empowering keynote speaker as she demystifies the science and social secrets that strengthen and protect our most valuable asset.

Learn specifically how to productively deal with difficult family, de-energizing friends, bully bosses, plus other confidence villains and kryptonite. Empower yourself and everyone you care about with more, real confidence.

84 episodes
Most Recent Episodes

Listen, life is A LOT and has been for the last four years. I’ll be the first one to tell you that what we lived through changed not how we lived, but how we experienced our lives. We’re not...

The human brain is a marvelous thing. All day long it’s tasked with protecting us from anything it perceives as a threat, and it takes that job seriously.  So seriously, in fact, that it actually...

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