Wednesday - September 25th, 2024
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Smart phones and seniors

Improve your smartphone’s readability and increase the time you can comfortably use it by applying these tips. If you want to ensure that your smartphone is as usable (and comfortable) for people of all ages as possible, here are five ways in which you can make it more “age-friendly”. Your smartphone doesn’t have to cause your […]

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No Thanks, I Can Do It Myself &Raquo; Anthony Tran 4Rwjkzxilgi Unsplash 899Ed134

No thanks, I can do it myself

I’ve always been fiercely independent and I don’t intend to change. Not now and certainly not as I grow older. I like being in charge of my life, don’t you? When I was young my circumstances forced me to fend for myself and I am thankful for that. It made me strong and capable. These […]

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Mastering Cross-Generational Communication

Let’s face it, cross-generational communication can be a real struggle. Just try talking to your Greatest Generation grandpa about Snapchat or TikTok – it’s really hard! But, in today’s society where we’re constantly interacting with people from all walks of life and a wide variety of ages and life-experience, it’s important to know how to […]

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Don’t Wait To Be Happy

Don’t wait to be happy. As human beings, we all have a basic desire to feel happy. Whether we realize it or not, happiness is part of who we are. But how do you achieve it? Is it really just luck? Or can we actually learn to become happy? This is an important question because […]

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What To Do If Someone Is Choking? &Raquo; Picture9

What To Do If Someone Is Choking?

Rate this post   Why Do People Choke?   Have you ever been sitting at a restaurant, enjoying your meal, when suddenly you begin to cough repeatedly? This is often referred to as food “going down the wrong pipe.” It’s an embarrassing experience as it creates unwanted attention for those around you. Fortunately, this form of […]

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The Long Arm Of The Lawless &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

The Long Arm of the Lawless

According to an article in The Atlantic, “Sudden Russian Death Syndrome”, rich, influential people around Vladimir Putin and in the greater Russian orbit seem to have developed a nasty habit of getting dead. In case the hyperlink above brings you to a paywall, here’s an excerpt from the article that lists a few of the […]

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Experiences That Connect Us All The Seniorscape™ &Raquo; File 3

Experiences that Connect Us All The SeniorScape™

Last week I attended an entrepreneurial event like non-other. Over the past 1 ½ years I’ve spoken about this event with many people. Of the people I’ve invited, 10 have attended. Each person who’s attended thought it equally fantastic. That’s not the reason I’m writing about the event, but more to explain about it before […]

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“I Married a Cover Girl”

By Jerry Zezima I am not one to make blanket statements, but I will make one now: We have enough blankets in our house to cover the Green Bay Packers. At last count, which entailed going to every room with a calculator (I could have used a pedometer, too), there were 17 blankets scattered about […]

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