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David Frost

A Man In Full &Raquo; Williemays1

A Man in Full

Say Hey, Willie… I can think of no better man who fits Tom Wolfe’s descriptor of A Man in Full than #24 of the NY and SF Giants. Willie’s joir de vivre, unique skills on the diamond, and larger-than-life presence impressed me in my Happy Days of yore. He was a rising star when this […]

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A Man In Full &Raquo; Williemays1 1

A Man in Full

Say Hey, Willie… I can think of no better man who fits Tom Wolfe’s descriptor of A Man in Full than #24 of the NY and SF Giants. Willie’s joir de vivre, unique skills on the diamond, and larger-than-life presence impressed me in my Happy Days of yore. He was a rising star when this […]

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Springtime Tocsins &Raquo; Ai Gifer Lut

Springtime Tocsins

AI Spellcheck Wait, wait… I didn’t use ChatGPT or Google’s BARD to “genAIrate” this post. I promise. And, I didn’t misspell Tocsins in this posted title. Credit Artificial Intelligence (AI) is pretty neat for many applications, and I am a cheerleader for things that serve society. Yet, it will be many moons before a down-aging […]

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Jabroni, Magic Mike, And The Game Around Rihanna’s Halftime Show &Raquo; Jabroni

Jabroni, Magic Mike, and the Game around Rihanna’s halftime show

The slang noun, Jabroni, expanded beyond its original use in professional wrestling to social media after the AFC Championship football game. We credit the Sheik and the Rock for their roles in getting this interesting noun into the dictionary: A few weeks ago, the KC Chiefs’ Travis Kelce challenged the Cincinnati mayor for his rather […]

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Some Things National – Like Pizza Day And Love Your Heart &Raquo; Giphy Slouch To Strongman

Some things National – like Pizza Day and Love your Heart

Yes, I have been missing in action since late 2022. Oh, that my time away was spent on some enchanted island. Yet I have been head down and tail up finalizing my manuscript for Strong to Save.  This second non-fiction work is a fitness primer that implores Gen X to die harder and later…   […]

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Move Stuff To Cheat Death &Raquo; Dave Frost Goblet Squat Fotility 1219

Move Stuff to Cheat Death

Yes, I’ve been missing in action from weblogs. If I was still a Naval Academy Midshipman, I’d brace up and say NO EXCUSE Ma’am or Sir!  Yet that was many moons ago. My STRONG TO SAVE manuscript took precedence. So Generation X readers – be on the lookout fgr a Book release in mid-2023. Why […]

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Twenty-Eight Summers Left &Raquo; Sos Camden Ref Son Of Stone

Twenty-eight summers left

28 “As is a tale, so is life: not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters.” Seneca Thanks to the Swedish Son of Stone (aka SoS) whose recent lyrics in 28 Summers Left fit me to a T: “Let’s make something great Of what is left now And focus on […]

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Power Potpourri &Raquo; Im A Survivor

Power Potpourri

Power is my theme for this potpourri of topics squeezed into one. Big C First, Kudos who are with us to celebrate National Cancer Survivor’s Day!         ‘Tis sad yet true that perhaps 20 percent of all cancers in our great country may be diet-related. Oy! We are what we eat… Estimates […]

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Weird ?! &Raquo; Vitamin D Benefits

Weird ?!

Weird In Shakespeare’s day, weird meant ‘having the power to control destiny’. Witches in the Bard’s MACBETH  gave rise to the sense ‘unearthly’ as Fates. With more than passing amusement, I noted that a once-in-lifetime “weird” astrological alignment happened yesterday. In full and open disclosure, I do peek at astrological predictions while wondering how much […]

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Seasons Change, And So Should You And I &Raquo; Giphy

Seasons Change, and so should you and I

Guess Who? The Guess Who first sang its classic, NO TIME, in the summer of 1969. Ah, memories of those tough teen times come to me easily. Whether these NO TIME lyrics mean something profound or mean nothing is up to a listener to decide. Was it a Vietnam draft commentary by a Canadian? Or […]

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