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Karena Neukirchner Emotional Healing Coach

Karena Neukirchner is a trauma-informed emotional healing coach who specializes in helping clients quickly identify and heal subconscious blocks, old emotional wounds, and self-sabotaging core beliefs that keep them from living lives of authenticity and joy.
Dedicated to helping her clients heal the wounds that are at the very root of their struggles, her work is deeply transformative, compassionate, and profound.
She’s also the host of the popular podcast, Somatic Healing Meditations.

Recent Content

Somatic Meditation To Feel Your Emotions &Raquo; Somaticmeditationtofeelyouremotions
Somatic Meditation To Feel Your Emotions

You've probably heard that in order to heal, you need to feel your emotions. This is absolutely true, but it can be hard to know HOW exactly to do that.In our fast-paced world, most of us are lost in …

You've probably hear…

You've probably heard that in order to heal, you need to feel your emotions. This is absolutely true, but it can be hard to know HOW exactly to do that.In our fast-paced world, most of us are lost in our thoughts, disconnected from our bodies, and stuffing our true feelings.In this episode of Somatic Healing Meditations, I guide you on a soothing journey inward with a somatic Meditation designed specifically to help you feel your emotions in a deep, body-centered way. This isn’t about getting rid of feelings or over-analyzing them. It’s about truly feeling and understanding them, allowing …

Listen · 30:58
How To Find Your Inner Self (A Havening Exercise To Explore Your Inner World) &Raquo; Howtofindyourinnerself28Haveningexercisetoexploreyourinnerworld29
How To Find Your Inner Self (A Havening Exercise to Explore Your Inner World)

Feeling lost or disconnected from your inner self? You’re not alone. In our busy world, it’s easy to lose touch with the quiet voice within that knows who we are at our core and holds tightly to o…

Feeling lost or disc…

Feeling lost or disconnected from your inner self? You’re not alone. In our busy world, it’s easy to lose touch with the quiet voice within that knows who we are at our core and holds tightly to our deepest truths.In this episode of Somatic Healing Meditations, I guide you on a soothing and regulating journey to explore your inner world using Havening Techniques®.This Havening Exercise to Find Your Inner Self will help you drop beneath your thoughts and reconnect with the more authentic essence of who you truly are. This is a journey of listening deeply and creating a supportive relations…

Listen · 36:08
15-Minute Meditation To Effectively Reduce Anxiety And Stress (Using Havening Techniques) &Raquo; 15Minutemeditationtoeffectivelyreducestressandanxiety28Usinghaveningtechniques29
15-Minute Meditation to Effectively Reduce Anxiety And Stress (Using Havening Techniques)

If you've ever struggled with Anxiety, then you know how difficult it can be to break free from its grasp.The truth is that anxiety and stress are more than just emotional states. They trigger a physi…

If you've ever strug…

If you've ever struggled with anxiety, then you know how difficult it can be to break free from its grasp.The truth is that anxiety and stress are more than just emotional states. They trigger a physiological and biochemical cascade of stress hormones and neurotransmitters in your brain and body, which make it hard to find peace and calm within.This 15-minute meditation to effectively reduce anxiety and stress utilizes Havening Techniques® to bring calm to your mind and body by down-regulating your stress response deep in your nervous system. Give it a try now!__Episode timing -00:00 - Reduce…

Listen · 16:48
How To Deal With Uncertainty (A Guided Meditation To Find More Calm) &Raquo; Howtodealwithuncertainty28Aguidedmeditationtofindmorecalm29
How To Deal With Uncertainty (A Guided Meditation To Find More Calm)

Moments of uncertainty are a natural part of growth and healing, but it’s hard to know how to deal with uncertainty because it often feels unsettling and uncomfortable.The truth is, it's normal not …

Moments of uncertain…

Moments of uncertainty are a natural part of growth and healing, but it’s hard to know how to deal with uncertainty because it often feels unsettling and uncomfortable.The truth is, it's normal not to have everything figured out. And you'll inevitably need to step outside your predictable comfort zone on your healing journey.Join me for a soothing guided meditation designed to help you navigate these unsteady moments with compassion and grace. We’ll explore how to embrace the unknown, reconnect with your inner calm, and release the fears that have been holding you back.___Episode timing:00…

Listen · 29:18
Meditation For When You Need A Good Cry &Raquo; Meditationforwhenyouneedagoodcry
Meditation For When You Need A Good Cry

While society often tells us to "stay strong" and suppress our tears, the truth is that allowing ourselves to cry when we need to is actually a profound act of self-care that supports our overall heal…

While society often …

While society often tells us to "stay strong" and suppress our tears, the truth is that allowing ourselves to cry when we need to is actually a profound act of self-care that supports our overall health and well-being.So, if you need a good cry right now, let’s get those tears flowing with this gentle and supportive body-centered meditation for when you need a good cry.This gentle meditation will help you drop into your body and draw closer to the parts of you that need a good cry right now. By connecting with yourself and your feelings in this way, not only will it help you let your tears f…

Listen · 30:03
How To Stop Being An Overthinker (Understanding The Roots Of Overthinking) &Raquo; Howtostopbeinganoverthinker28Understandingtherootsofoverthinking29
How to Stop Being An Overthinker (Understanding The Roots of Overthinking)

If you’re tired of being trapped in an endless loop of thoughts and long to find some peace from overthinking, it’s time to dig deeper. In this episode of Somatic Healing Meditations, we explore t…

If you’re tired of…

If you’re tired of being trapped in an endless loop of thoughts and long to find some peace from overthinking, it’s time to dig deeper. In this episode of Somatic Healing Meditations, we explore the roots of overthinking and uncover why we fall into this exhausting habit in the first place.This Somatic Meditation to Stop Being an Overthinker is designed to help you break free from the mental treadmill by getting to the root of your overthinking. Instead of just trying to control or change your thoughts, you'll be guided to connect with the deeper emotions and body sensations that are drivi…

Listen · 35:33
Calm Your Mind From Overthinking (Somatic Practice To Stop Overthinking Everything) &Raquo; Calmyourmindfromoverthinking28Somaticpracticetostopoverthinkingeverything29
Calm Your Mind From Overthinking (Somatic Practice to Stop Overthinking Everything)

Are you caught in the endless loop of overthinking everything? Overthinking is incredibly common, but also deeply misunderstood. The truth is that overthinking isn't just a mental habit—it's a signa…

Are you caught in th…

Are you caught in the endless loop of overthinking everything? Overthinking is incredibly common, but also deeply misunderstood. The truth is that overthinking isn't just a mental habit—it's a signal from your body and emotions, calling for your attention.In this episode of Somatic Healing Meditations, Karena delves into the somatic roots of overthinking and shares practical, body-centered techniques to help you break free. She guides you through a powerful somatic practice designed to interrupt your looping thoughts and gently shift your focus from your mind to your body, fostering a sense …

Listen · 28:27
Guided Meditation To Create A More Supportive Relationship With Yourself &Raquo; Guidedmeditationtocreateamoresupportiverelationshipwithyourself
Guided Meditation to Create A More Supportive Relationship With Yourself

Creating a more supportive relationship with yourself means turning your attention inward, honoring your needs, feeling your feelings, and listening to your own inner voice.In today’s guided meditat…

Creating a more supp…

Creating a more supportive relationship with yourself means turning your attention inward, honoring your needs, feeling your feelings, and listening to your own inner voice.In today’s guided meditation, we'll practice embracing our feelings and connecting with our inner world in a way that’s soothing, clarifying, and deeply supportive. This meditation uses Havening Techniques® to help us connect with our bodies and find calm, followed by Regenerating Images in Memory® (RIM) to dive deeper.Episode timing:00:00 - You deserve a more supportive relationship with yourself03:50 - Guided Medita…

Listen · 33:11
Somatic Practice To Manage Overwhelm (With Raquel Dubois) &Raquo; Somaticpracticetomanageoverwhelmwithraqueldubois
Somatic Practice to Manage Overwhelm (with Raquel DuBois)

When life feels like a whirlwind of to-do lists, responsibilities, and emotional turbulence, it’s easy to feel consumed by overwhelm. This sense of being swamped can cloud our judgment, limit our ch…

When life feels like…

When life feels like a whirlwind of to-do lists, responsibilities, and emotional turbulence, it’s easy to feel consumed by overwhelm. This sense of being swamped can cloud our judgment, limit our choices, and leave us feeling trapped in a cycle of stress and anxiety.But what if, instead of trying to eliminate the overwhelming factors, we could change our relationship with the overwhelm itself? What if we could create space within ourselves to breathe, shift the feelings of overwhelm, and regain our Clarity? This is the transformative power of today’s meditation!Guided by nervous system spe…

Listen · 18:14
Hype Yourself Up! (A Guided Somatic Meditation) &Raquo; Hypeyourselfup28Aguidedsomaticmeditation29
Hype Yourself Up! (A Guided Somatic Meditation)

Sometimes we forget how much courage and strength it takes to move on from past wounds and traumas and still face the world with empathy, compassion, and vulnerability.Take a moment today to hype your…

Sometimes we forget …

Sometimes we forget how much courage and strength it takes to move on from past wounds and traumas and still face the world with empathy, compassion, and vulnerability.Take a moment today to hype yourself up for the incredible person you are and the incredible strength and courage it’s taken to walk this healing path.I made this Somatic Meditation to Hype Yourself Up in the hope that it gently reminds you of your inherent worth, deep inner Wisdom, and heart-centered courage. I hope you enjoy it!Episode timing:00:00 - You deserve to hype yourself up02:11 - In this somatic meditation, we use i…

Listen · 22:38
Be Your Favorite Self (A Guided Meditation) &Raquo; Beyourfavoriteself28Aguidedmeditation29
Be Your Favorite Self (A Guided Meditation)

Instead of striving to be your best self or your highest self, what would it feel like to be your FAVORITE self? Your favorite self is the most authentic and joyful version of you, defined entirely by…

Instead of striving …

Instead of striving to be your best self or your highest self, what would it feel like to be your FAVORITE self? Your favorite self is the most authentic and joyful version of you, defined entirely by your own values, desires, and passions. It's free from the pressures of perfection and societal expectations, focusing instead on what genuinely makes you happy and fulfilled.In this guided meditation to be your favorite self, you'll embark on a soothing journey to connect with your favorite self using the powerful technique of Regenerating Images in Memory® (RIM). This method allows you to bypa…

Listen · 24:44
5 Minute Self-Compassion Break (Using Iffirmations) &Raquo; 5Minuteselfcompassionbreak28Usingiffirmations29
5 Minute Self-Compassion Break (using Iffirmations)

When we practice self-compassion, we create a sacred space for healing. Embracing ourselves as we are allows us to transform our pain into wisdom and our shame into self-love. Plus, it gives us the co…

When we practice sel…

When we practice self-compassion, we create a sacred space for healing. Embracing ourselves as we are allows us to transform our pain into wisdom and our shame into self-love. Plus, it gives us the courage to face our lives with more clarity and grace.Let's make self-compassion a daily practice and unlock the door to deep transformation. Remember, you deserve all the love and care you offer to others.Enjoy this 5-minute self-compassion break using iffirmations!Episode timing:00:00 - You Deserve Self-Compassion01:22 - Self Compassion Break Part 1: Soothing + Regulating Breathing03:57 - Self-Com…

Listen · 8:14
A Soothing Somatic Meditation For When The World Feels Out Of Control &Raquo; Asoothingsomaticmeditationforwhentheworldfeelsoutofcontrol
A Soothing Somatic Meditation For When The World Feels Out Of Control

Welcome to this soothing somatic meditation for when the world feels out of control. I designed it to be a sanctuary where you can soothe your nervous system and connect with your loving inner voice a…

Welcome to this soot…

Welcome to this soothing somatic meditation for when the world feels out of control. I designed it to be a sanctuary where you can soothe your nervous system and connect with your loving inner voice amidst the chaos of the world.As you listen, you’ll be gently guided to use my 2 favorite emotional processing techniques: Havening Techniques® and Regenerating Images in Memory® to feel your feelings, soothe your nervous system, and let your emotions move through you so you can connect more deeply with your wise and loving inner voice that can carry you through. This is your time to be with yo…

Listen · 32:27
Effective Emotional Self-Care: A Body-Centered Parts Work Process &Raquo; Bodycenteredpartsworkprocessforemotionalselfcare
Effective Emotional Self-Care: A Body-Centered Parts Work Process

In this episode of Somatic Healing Meditations, I guide you through a simple, repeatable parts work process to help you connect with and tend to your emotional inner world in a supportive and healing …

In this episode of S…

In this episode of Somatic Healing Meditations, I guide you through a simple, repeatable parts work process to help you connect with and tend to your emotional inner world in a supportive and healing way.This new paradigm of emotional self-care is rooted in compassion and acceptance and will help you have greater insight into the inner workings of your emotions as you learn to process them more deeply.__Episode timing00:00 - The Importance of Effective Emotional Self-Care03:13 - Body-Centered Parts Works Process Step 1: Feel Your Emotions in Your Body11:18 - Body-Centered Parts Works Process S…

Listen · 22:24
Connect With Your Heart And Body For Deep Relaxation And Regulation (Guided Somatic Meditation) &Raquo; Connectwithyourheartandbodyfordeeprelaxationandregulation28Guidedsomaticmeditation29
Connect With Your Heart And Body For Deep Relaxation And Regulation (Guided Somatic Meditation)

Welcome to this transformative guided somatic meditation, designed to help you connect deeply with your heart and body. In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the busyness of our m…

Welcome to this tran…

Welcome to this transformative guided somatic meditation, designed to help you connect deeply with your heart and body. In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the busyness of our minds, leaving us feeling disconnected and overwhelmed. This meditation invites you to step out of your head and into the sanctuary of your heart and body, fostering a profound sense of internal coherence and relaxation.This soothing somatic meditation not only strengthens the mind-body connection but also allows you to access the loving wisdom that resides in your heart. It's an invitation to paus…

Listen · 26:40
Guided Somatic Meditation To Strengthen Your Mind-Body Connection &Raquo; Guidedsomaticmeditationtostrengthenyourmind Bodyconnection
Guided Somatic Meditation to Strengthen Your Mind-Body Connection

Strengthening your mind-body connection is a powerful way to tap into the wisdom of your body and use your deepening body awareness as a tool for self-understanding, emotional well-being, and personal…

Strengthening your m…

Strengthening your mind-body connection is a powerful way to tap into the wisdom of your body and use your deepening body awareness as a tool for self-understanding, emotional well-being, and personal growth.When we learn to attune to our inner sensations, we connect more deeply with who we truly are, and how we truly feel. We also gain perspective on our emotional patterns and knee-jerk reactions to life.Plus, connecting with your body regulates your nervous system and tones your vagus nerve.In this guided somatic meditation to strengthen your mind-body connection, you’ll practice effective…

Listen · 24:32
Somatic Meditation To Have Your Own Back (More And More) &Raquo; Somaticmeditationtohaveyourownback
Somatic Meditation to Have Your Own Back (More and More)

Discover the transformative power of having your own back!In this episode of Somatic Healing Meditations, Karena guides you through a Somatic Meditation to Have Your Own Back (More and More)! Through …

Discover the transfo…

Discover the transformative power of having your own back!In this episode of Somatic Healing Meditations, Karena guides you through a Somatic Meditation to Have Your Own Back (More and More)! Through a somatically informed perspective, we’ll explore how to authentically redefine and rewire our Relationships with ourselves by connecting more deeply with our feelings and listening more closely to our true needs and desires.You’ll leave feeling more connected, compassionate, and with a deeper understanding of how to have your own back more and more moving forward.Episode timing:00:00 - Discov…

Listen · 40:59
Havening Exercise For When You'Re Feeling Stuck &Raquo; Haveningexerciseforwhenyou27Refeelingstuck
Havening Exercise for when you're feeling stuck

Feeling stuck?In the ebbs and flows of life, we all feel stuck sometimes. Whether it’s subconscious internal resistance holding you back, emotional inertia keeping you stuck, or simply a dysregulate…

Feeling stuck?In the…

Feeling stuck?In the ebbs and flows of life, we all feel stuck sometimes. Whether it’s subconscious internal resistance holding you back, emotional inertia keeping you stuck, or simply a dysregulated nervous system unsure if it’s safe to move forward, this exercise can help you get unstuck in a meaningful way.In this episode of Somatic Healing Meditations, I guide you through a Havening® Exercise to help you get unstuck. Using Havening Techniques® and iffirmations, this exercise can help you rewire the stuck patterns in your nervous system while gaining a deeper and more compassionate un…

Listen · 34:40


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