I Am Not Fighting But I Am Tired of Being The Bigger One! I hear this a lot...people saying they are tired of doing what's right or they are tired of doing the big thing. And I am sure that I have said this myself too. But I just realized something, something big. Get ready, here comes some …
I Am Not Fighting But I Am Tired of Being The Bigger One! I hear this a lot...people saying they are tired of doing what's right or they are tired of doing the big thing. And I am sure that I have…
I Am Not Fighting But I Am Tired of Being The Bigger One! I hear this a lot...people saying they are tired of doing what's right or they are tired of doing the big thing. And I am sure that I have said this myself too. But I just realized something, something big. Get ready, here comes some powerful truth from the Reframe Queen. Are you truly tired of being the bigger person? I don't think so. I think you are tired of somebody screwing up your plans! I think you are tired of the mess that's left for you to clean up! I don't think you are tired of being honorable or honest. I th…