Friday - September 20th, 2024
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Farewell Ruby &Raquo; Post Image 300X300 1

Farewell Ruby

When gas was around $4 a gallon and I was commuting to work each day in a carpool, I needed a new vehicle.  In the summer of 2015, we were all looking for more economical gas-efficient options.  My carpool partner had a huge diesel truck but fuel for his big rig was even more expensive. […]

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Riding Bikes With Daddy &Raquo; Post Image 1 300X300 1

Riding Bikes with Daddy

In November last year, I wrote a blog post entitled “Saturday Mornings with Daddy.” I shared how much I appreciated hearing from my 86 year old dad when he would call me from Arizona on FaceTime each week. This was usually after his 20-mile bike ride from where he lives in Scottsdale to Tempe and […]

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The Easy Button

I’ve been thinking of ways to describe these first days of “post-retirement.”  What comes to mind is that it has been like pushing “The Easy Button.”   Back in 2005, our team was in the midst of implementing drastic changes to the permit process and it was stressful and hard. In August of that year, […]

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How Can City Leaders Reduce Officer Involved Shootings? &Raquo; 1586936026374

How Can City Leaders Reduce Officer Involved Shootings?

Police are NOT the problem! Police are escape goats for politicians who don’t want to discuss the breakdown of the family which has dramatically changed our cities. Targeting police and guns are not “solutions” and will do little or nothing to keep cities safe. What happened that has created so much anger and division in […]

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I Fail Daily: Self-Care Rx

I Fail Daily: Self-Care Rx If I were inclined to judge (wink, wink), I might observe some weeks as better than others. This week, for instance, might be considered a bad week.  I have totaled my car (run-ins with a bolting stag has that effect), mourned the passing of a dear relative (damn cancer), juggled […]

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How I Got Help to Overcome Being an Introvert at Work

At 16 years old I was 5’10” and weighed about 145 pounds. Tall, slim, very reserved, as we said in Jamaica, but not shy.  I had no problem speaking with individuals and in front of groups of people of all demographics. I was always considered mature for my age and found many of my peers […]

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Does Retired Equal Expired?

In our culture, there’s a certain vision of what retirement is supposed to look like.   You see it in television commercials: The lovely couple with the silver hair, with polo sweaters over their shoulders, walking hand in hand on the beach, or riding together in a golf cart. Grandparents in sensible clothes with plenty […]

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