Wednesday - September 25th, 2024
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Are You Working Smart? &Raquo; 1Yxjmd9Zwmqm Ymlnx6Onmq

Are you working smart?

That’s where I put my pencil This is a reprint of a classic blog that I wrote in November 2019 when I first started my company Shiageto Consulting. Enjoy! Nope, nothing to do with TVs, meters, thermostats, fridges, doorbells, cars, objectives nor chocolates (oh, hang on, those are smarties!!) As the world gets ever more complex, […]

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Generations In The Workplace

The concept of generations in the workplace involves the different age groups that make up the workforce at any given time.  Each generation has its own unique characteristics, values, and attitudes towards work and management.  As the workforce continues to evolve and change, Hybrid Boomers need to understand and respect the different perspectives and contributions […]

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New Online Class 🌙 Medicine Of The Moon &Raquo; Owl

New Online Class 🌙 Medicine of the Moon

Our Moon and Earth are close companions in an ancient, celestial dance. The Moon circles the Earth while the Earth circles the Sun while the Sun spirals in the Milky Way Galaxy, through the vast universe, connecting with all that’s within and beyond. Our Moon influences ocean tides, fertility cycles, migration patterns, seasonal shifts, cycles of day […]

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When Life Doesn’t Always Go As Planned

When life doesn’t always go as planned. Life doesn’t always go as planned. It can be hard, frustrating, and even stressful, but when it all goes wrong, there is something you can do about it…and the good news is, it doesn’t have to take much effort to change your life around. We all face obstacles […]

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Stating The Obvious Is The New Normal &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

Stating the Obvious is the New Normal

Sometime during my Holiday Season musings, I came across two posts from the editors at LinkedIn News. Since I detected no tongues in cheeks, I took them to be evidence of the extent to which we’ve become purely reactive; that is, in the absence of critical thinking, questioning, and anticipation, we observe and react. That’s […]

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Ways To Show Gratitude &Raquo; 20170306 173250 3

Ways to Show Gratitude

Write a thank you note to someone who has made a difference in your life. Keep a gratitude journal and write down three things a day that you are thankful for. Make an effort to find the good in every situation—silver lining. Give back to your community by volunteering your time or donating to a […]

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I Feel Fat, but I’ve Learned a Big Lesson

Adults, who have returned to their parent’s home for any length of time for any possible reason, may resonate with this little story. On the surface, it’s simple, but the current of its implications runs deep. I was a fat kid. No getting around that. Eating my feelings was my standard approach to life going […]

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Everything To Know About Medical Identity Theft &Raquo; Fnvbiodfb

Everything To Know About Medical Identity Theft

4.5/5 – (2 votes) What Is Medical Identity Theft?  According to the Federal Trade Commission, 19 people become victims of identity theft and fraud each minute. Similarly to identity theft, medical identity theft is when someone uses an individual’s personal information – such as their name, social security number, and health insurance account number or […]

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Taking Chances On A New Career &Raquo; Untitled Design

Taking Chances on a New Career

Taking Chances on a New Career By Judi Moreo People find jobs they are suited for when they are young. At least, they believe they find the right kind of job. But as they progress, many feel disillusioned with the career they chose, feeling it isn’t what they thought it would be. They think about […]

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Interview With Gena Thurston - Pt For Voice &Raquo; Atv Blog Thurston

Interview With Gena Thurston – PT For Voice

  Gena joined me from ‘the room where it happens’ Listen & subscribe on iTunes … on Spotify … or anywhere else Prefer video? Watch on YouTube Other than an anesthesiologist wielding an endotracheal tube, I’ve never let anyone touch my throat, inside OR out, until I met my guest today. Listen in to my interview with vocal tension’s worst […]

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