Thursday - September 26th, 2024
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Figure $&Amp;!T Out &Raquo; Mypicrev

Figure $&!T Out

Sahil Bloom recently had a Twitter post (see below) that spoke volumes to me…it was about things he wished he knew about sooner concerning work. Each of those 9 points were brilliant, but I want to focus on #6…cause that was literally my motto. I always said, I don’t sell anything, I figure shit out.  […]

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16 Common Household Items That Are Worth A Fortune &Raquo; Steve Picture Copy

16 Common Household Items That Are Worth a Fortune

A penny found is better than a penny earned, as you don’t have to pay taxes on the penny found (until you spend it, at least). Even better than seeing a penny, why don’t you try to find something lying around your attic or closet and flip it for a few thousand bucks? This isn’t […]

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Hh303: Detoxing-Hormones &Amp; Mood &Raquo; Qm8D848L7Zbvfvardxotn6H7

HH303: Detoxing-Hormones & Mood

Today I want to talk to you about the benefits that detoxing has on your hormones and mood. About the Host: Melissa is an Integrative Health Practitioner and Master Practitioner in NLP and Timeline Therapy and a Board Designated Hypnotherapy Teacher Trainer, helping people get to the root cause of their health issues and then get […]

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Is Cream In Coffee Ok? The Truth About Your Morning Cup &Raquo; Bn2Onw7

Is Cream in Coffee OK? The Truth about Your Morning Cup

Is Cream in Coffee OK? Unraveling the Truth about Your Morning Cup Intro Are you a coffee drinker who enjoys a splash of cream in your cup of joe? Many people love the creamy richness that creamer adds to their morning routine. But is cream in coffee okay? In this blog post, we will delve […]

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Dads: The Unsung Heroes Shaping Our Future &Raquo; Dads 650X366 1

Dads: The Unsung Heroes Shaping Our Future

Father’s Day is a time to celebrate the amazing men who guide us through life. But dads aren’t just grill masters and joke tellers; they’re leaders who play a crucial role in shaping the future, one child at a time. Building Strong Foundations: Setting Standards and Values Dads are often the first to introduce children […]

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10 Things I Like About Myself: Embracing Self-Love and Confidence

10 Things I Like About Myself: Embracing Self-Love and Confidence Many people find it challenging to take a moment and reflect on what they love about themselves. Yet, understanding and acknowledging your strengths is a vital part of self-discovery and personal growth. Recognizing the things you like about yourself can boost your confidence and self-esteem. […]

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