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A Man In Full &Raquo; Williemays1 1

A Man in Full

Say Hey, Willie… I can think of no better man who fits Tom Wolfe’s descriptor of A Man in Full than #24 of the NY and SF Giants. Willie’s joir de vivre, unique skills on the diamond, and larger-than-life presence impressed me in my Happy Days of yore. He was a rising star when this […]

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Propane: The Reliable Fuel For Your Business Needs &Raquo; Image Asset 6

Propane: The Reliable Fuel for Your Business Needs

EJ Strat @xoforoct Running a business involves many decisions, and choosing the right fuel source is one of the most important. Propane is gaining popularity among business owners for its reliability and cost-effectiveness.  According to the Propane Education & Research Council, businesses using propane can reduce their energy costs by up to 30%. This efficient […]

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Rethinking Sunday School: Strategies For Revitalizing Programs And Engaging Today'S Youth &Raquo; File 21

Rethinking Sunday School: Strategies for Revitalizing Programs and Engaging Today’s Youth

One of the most pressing questions the church is asking today is, “Can Sunday school programs live again?” What is driving this inquiry is churches are finding fewer and fewer young families attending. In their heyday, thriving and growing churches had large Sunday school ministries. My first parish in Detroit showed me images of hundreds of children attending; so many that it led to massive building expansion programs and the birth of a […]

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Bridging The Generation Gap: Key Tactics For Business Success &Raquo; Screenshot2024 03 18At4.37.23 Pm

Bridging the Generation Gap: Key Tactics for Business Success

Image Created via Microsoft Designer To accomplish business goals, it is necessary to manage the characteristics of multiple generations effectively. In today’s rapidly changing business environment, one of the most significant difficulties that organizations must face is the management of a diverse workforce that includes employees from several generations. Every generation, from the Baby Boomers […]

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The Ultimate Happy List: Unleash Your Inner Sunshine

The Ultimate Happy List: Unleash Your Inner Sunshine Creating a “happy list” is a simple yet powerful practice to boost your mood and enhance your mental health. By writing down the things that make you happy, you are actively practicing gratitude and bringing more positivity into your life. A happy list helps you focus on what […]

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Supporting Food Banks: Ensuring Summer’s Ease for Everyone

As the summer sun warms our days and invites us to relax and unwind, it’s easy to forget that for many families, the season’s ease doesn’t extend to their dinner tables. While picnics, barbecues, and beach outings mark the festive spirit of summertime, a significant portion of our community relies on food banks to put […]

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Transform Your Sleep Patterns And Transform Your Life &Raquo; Logo The Accountability Coach

Transform Your Sleep Patterns and Transform Your Life

If you want to transform your sleep patterns and transform your life, you must listen to my podcast interview with Dr. Bijoy John, Author, Nobody’s Sleeping; 7 Proven Sleep Strategies for Better Health and Happiness. Dr. John has a wealth of information related to helping you learn how to sleep even better so you can… […]

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Nothing Is Impossible Without Your Consent &Raquo; Doctor 5710153 1920 Crop Sm

Nothing Is Impossible Without Your Consent

Written and posted by Jackie Olmstead, Monday, June 24, 2024 – I would love to say to you out loud, “Please really let the title of this post sink in: Nothing Is Impossible Without Your Consent.” and then really look at you and see what comes up for you. I cannot imagine that anyone doesn’t […]

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