Friday - September 20th, 2024
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Confessions of a straight man who detests fruits in his bar

 (1009 words)This is the kind of reckless confession that in these sensitive times  is bound to backfire, but here goes: I’m at heart a straight man who detests seeing lots of fruits in his bar.Bear with me.See, I’m the kind of guy that spends a lot of time sitting in bars wondering why I spend […]

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National Poetry Month’s Feature: Poet Tonya Camille &Raquo; Tonya Camille Poet Feature 4 20 22

National Poetry Month’s Feature: Poet Tonya Camille

Poet’s Bio:Tonya Camille was born and raised in Atlanta, GA, and is one of three triplets. She received her associate degree in Drama and Speech from Georgia State Perimeter College and a bachelor’s degree in Theatre and Performance Studies from Kennesaw State University. Her first open mic experience occurred at The Coffee Spot, located in […]

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Memory Boosters You Can Start Using Now &Raquo; Bigstock Couples Group Of Senior Couples Attend 92381933

Memory Boosters You Can Start Using Now

Ever feel as if your memory just is not what it used to be? That is a common feeling and it is tempting to chalk those changes up to aging or something else. But there might be more you can do to help your memory, and it is not as tough as you might think. […]

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Do You Worry About What People Think?

As a girl of the 1950s and growing up in a small town in Jamaica, I was constantly reminded of the need to be conscious of other people’s opinions. “What will people say?” “What will people think?” “You know, people don’t appreciate that.” Who were these ‘people’ my mother was concerned about and why? It […]

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National Poetry Month’s Feature: Poet Gregory D. Yancey &Raquo; Gregory Yancey 4 18 22

National Poetry Month’s Feature: Poet Gregory D. Yancey

Poet’s Bio:Gregory D. Yancey, Esq., a graduate of the Georgetown University Law Center, is an attorney, minister, author, and activist. Mr. Yancey has practiced law as an associate; inhouse counsel; and principal owner of The Fighting Lawyer, LLC. His practice has ventured into a wide foray of areas such as Civil Litigation; Criminal Defenses; Entertainment […]

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Invisible Rules And Conflict &Raquo; Meetlorraine

Invisible Rules and Conflict

<img loading="lazy" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-5837" data-attachment-id="5837" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="1415,908" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-image-title="invisibleerules9.001" data-image-description=" Semi transparent woman with her invisible rules. ” data-image-caption=” Photo by Steinar Engeland on Unsplash ” data-medium-file=”″ data-large-file=”″ class=”size-large wp-image-5837″ src=”×657.jpeg?resize=1024%2C657&ssl=1″ alt=”invisible rules lead to conflict” width=”1024″ height=”657″ data-recalc-dims=”1″ /> Photo by Steinar Engeland on Unsplash Invisible rules can lead to conflict. Are you […]

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That'S A Good Question &Raquo; 6A00E5500815768834027880776E94200D 320Wi

That’s a Good Question

      I haven’t offered a round-up of blogs in quite a while, so I hope everyone will look around and check these out. They are among the best that Baby Boomers have to offer. And right now, our Baby Boomers are asking a lot of questions.      What are you doing for […]

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What I Learned Slinging Hash &Raquo; Hennie Stander Awwfbn0Zw6A Unsplash

What I Learned Slinging Hash

“Your learn a lot about someone when you share a meal together.” Anthony Bourdain  It was Friday night and I had an hour to transform myself from my day job to my next job. I fixed my makeup, sprayed up my hair and put on my uniform; black velvet shorts, suspenders, large silver hoops, boots […]

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I Love Hospice and All It Does

Someone recently pointed out to me that I seemed overly critical of hospice in an interview on a podcast, that I was “turning my back on hospice.”  I want to clarify my thoughts about hospice in today’s environment. Yes, I talk about how understaffed and overworked the existing staff is in many hospices. I am […]

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