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3 Top Reasons To Seek An Early Medical Workup &Raquo; File 11

3 Top Reasons to Seek an Early Medical Workup

Have you repeatedly gotten lost in familiar places, seen people that were not there (hallucinated), or experienced uncontrollable bouts of laughter or crying, even though there was nothing sad or funny happening? These are just some of the 22 Clues™ – signs and symptoms which may suggest that something’s amiss and that the path ahead […]

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Are Brain Games Helpful With Improving Memory? &Raquo; Bigstock Game 92939135

Are Brain Games Helpful with Improving Memory?

As a natural storage device, the “mind” seems similar to a computer hard drive. It is believed to be able to retain up to 2.5 petabytes of info– that is akin to nearly three million hours of TV. Having the ability to retrieve all of that information, nonetheless, is a different matter. We have all […]

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Stuff, Stuff And More Stuff! &Raquo; Clutter Cutter Download Cartoon Resized E1649799175974

Stuff, Stuff and More Stuff!

Dr. Jill M. Bjerke Everywhere you look in your home there is stuff.  When Richard Eisenberg, who at the time was the Money & Word Editor for,  released an article aptly titled, “Sorry, Nobody Wants Your Parents’ Stuff,”  predictably his article garnered a huge response.  He published many of them in his follow-up […]

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Back To The Keyboard &Raquo; Feather Pen

Back to the Keyboard

 It’s been a while since I’ve written anything here; on Feb. 11 to be exact when I posted about a few love songs for Valentine’s Day. For those who are concerned or curious, I have been writing. Just not here.  I’m a contributor on Medium, where I’ve had about five posts in recent weeks. I […]

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National Poetry Month’s Feature: Poet Mildred M. Stokes &Raquo; Mildred Stokes Photo 4 25 22

National Poetry Month’s Feature: Poet Mildred M. Stokes

Poet’s Bio: Mildred M. Stokes is author of two published works:  Romancing the Beautiful Divine, A Joy Embrace Story Devotional—a book of Inspirational descriptions and in part, Autobiography. Another is I Can Hear You Better With My Glasses On! — her first full book of poetry.   Philosophy-wise for this dedicated author: writing is a […]

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Nesting &Raquo; Stork Nesting


Every element in this nest was chosen with care. The found fibers were woven together with great skill and loving intent. How, when, and where the birds went about their nest building were guided by the blueprint, the sacred design, carried within. The nest was woven with dried grasses and stems, bits of blossoms and […]

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The Juiciest Insights Are Not Gained Through The Mind &Raquo; File

The Juiciest Insights Are Not Gained Through the Mind

Did you know that there are some insights about yourself you just can’t acquire through the mind? I know this from personal experience, and the first time I gained an insight through my body, it blew my mind – in a great way! Allow me to lay a little groundwork. First, science affirms that unconscious […]

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The Healing Place Podcast: Dr. Patricia Boulogne – Overcoming Being Sick, Fat, And Tired With Mindset Mastery &Amp; Wellness Initiatives &Raquo; Dr. Pat Boulogne

The Healing Place Podcast: Dr. Patricia Boulogne – Overcoming Being Sick, Fat, and Tired with Mindset Mastery & Wellness Initiatives

Such an insightful conversation with brilliant Dr. Pat Boulogne, mentor, coach, #1 best-selling author, speaker, certified Functional Medicine practitioner, Doctor Chiropractic, lifestyle medicine coach, and more! Please join us as we discuss: Dr. Pat’s insights on overcoming being sick, fat, and tired with Mindset Mastery and other superior wellness initiatives her roles as mentor and […]

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Safe for Retirement?

      Look, I’ll say right up front that I don’t like guns. The only gun I ever shot was a .22 in back of my uncle’s house in the Connecticut woods when I was about 9 years old. So I’m all in favor of stricter gun regulations, which to my mind seem perfectly […]

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