Sunday - September 22nd, 2024
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Dream Wisdom &Raquo; Stairway1

Dream Wisdom

At the Therapist “How has the week gone?” “I don’t know. . . . not going well. . . I’ve been quite anxious. . . can’t get ahead. . . seems to know and is taking the opportunity to be more of a . . .over and over.” “Are you ready to move on? What […]

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Couples And Money: Why Alignment Matters &Raquo; Couples And Money 1024X536 1

Couples and Money: Why Alignment Matters

It’s an old joke, but not funny…Man #1 – “My wife is always bothering me for money.”Man #2 – “What does she do with it?”Man #1 – “How should I know? I never give her any.”While the above joke may be older than me, it reminds me of how some marriages are.Richard is still one […]

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What You Need To Know About Strokes &Raquo; Photo Of An Older Female Stroke Survivor Standing By A Walker Getting Help From A Nurse Or Therapist Canva 1 300X214 1

What You Need to Know About Strokes

Unsurprisingly, no one wants to have a stroke. And we don’t want our loved ones to have a stroke. Stroke, a leading cause of death and disability in the US, is a medical emergency that requires immediate care. The more you know about strokes, the better your chances of receiving immediate medical care, which can significantly […]

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Technology and Ageing

Many groups want to help seniors and to help they focus on the general issue of technology and aging. We’re all familiar with aging, and with luck, we’ll all continue to experience aging for many years. However, we’re likely also familiar with some of the negative aspects of aging, such as poorer vision and hearing, […]

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The Only Way Through Stagnation Is Motion &Raquo; Blog Graphic

The Only Way Through Stagnation is Motion

The Uncomfortable Truth is Your Reality Reflects the Choices You’re Making. So if you feel stuck, let me tell you another truth – stuck is a mindset not a reality. It’s another week of doing hard things… In the quiet this morning, I was reflecting my life and the choices I’m making. It’s been a […]

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I can neatly sew a button or hem, but beyond that I’m not fond of sewing. That’s probably because of a home ec class in middle school. The wrap-around skirt we sewed and were required to wear to class was less than flattering. Consequently, shopping instead of sewing became my go-to. But I love looking […]

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Women Dressing Women

This morning I headed over to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. There were two shows I wanted to see: at the Fashion Institute, Women Dressing Women and in the Japanese Galleries, Anxiety and Hope. The fashion exhibit was interesting, but not spectacular the way the Diva show at the Victoria and Albert was. There were […]

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Metropolitan Museum: Japanese Art Galleries

There’s a new exhibition at the museum, Anxiety and Hope. The art is from the 12th to the early 19th centuries. I was struck by a number of things in addition to the beauty of the work. Considering the age of many of the scrolls, they are in astoundingly good condition—colors are bright and paper […]

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Back to the Future—The Musical

Yesterday I went to see Back to the Future on Broadway with my nephew Scott, his wife Sherrie, and daughter Brianna. I’m always somewhat leery of seeing adaptations of movies into musicals, especially movies that I remember fondly. But this adaptation was fun. The lead looks and moves like Michael J. Fox, the new “Doc […]

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Terence Blanchard

Until a few years ago I hadn’t been aware of Terence Blanchard. Then his opera, Fire Shut Up in My Bones, premiered at the Metropolitan Opera to rave reviews. Friends told me to see it, unfortunately I didn’t. But Blanchard’s name rose in my consciousness and I began to hear more about him. He is […]

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