Thursday - September 19th, 2024
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Entertainer Vs Artist - Which Is Better? &Raquo; Depositphotos 38610879 Xl 2015

Entertainer VS Artist – Which Is Better?

Hmmm… audience or song first? NOTE: The audio player should appear below, if not, please click on the title of this post and go online to hear.  Available also on iTunes, TuneIn Radio, Stitcher, Spotify, Amazon, Podbean, most other podcast apps PLEASE REVIEW at When you’re performing on stage, which do you think is the stronger mode to be in… over the […]

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We Did It - 3 Years In A Row! &Raquo; File

We Did It – 3 Years in a Row!

WE DID IT! For the 3rd year in a row, my team and I were voted Best Senior Services Consultant in Denton County!! What an incredible honor. ABOUT THE AWARD: Murray Media Group highlights local Denton County businesses that demonstrate a combination of outstanding customer service and commitment to the community. Residents from Denton County […]

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7 Tips To Stay Hydrated This Summer! &Raquo; File 1

7 Tips to Stay Hydrated This Summer!

Did you know that adults age 65 and up have the highest hospital admission rates for dehydration? A UCLA study found that 40% of seniors may be chronically under-hydrated. Why is dehydration such a problem for seniors? There are several factors, such as: a decreased sense of thirst, medications, mobility issues, and cognitive impairment. Dehydration […]

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Cover And Title Reveal Of New Novel &Raquo; Reunionoffamiliar Front 1

Cover and Title Reveal of New Novel

 We’re a month away from the publication of my next novel, the fifth in the John Ross Boomer Lit series.  And today, I’m announcing the title and revealing the cover. Drum roll, please: The cover was designed by graphic artist Trisha Fitzgerald-Jung, who has produced many covers for Wings ePress in the past few years.  […]

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Spreading The Word About Blurbs &Raquo; Blurb

Spreading the Word About Blurbs

Are blurbs more effective in brick-and-mortar stores where prospective readers could pick up the book off a shelf and read the blurbs on the back cover or on one of the inside front pages? Or are they stronger on websites with catchy phrases to lure in potential readers?   In other words, do they help readers […]

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City Leaders Must Rethink “Defund Police!” &Raquo; 1586936026374


The national media’s message is that the government can solve all problems.  Without debate or discussion, many people assume the government can “fix” social issues, including family and neighborhood safety. If a democracy is to survive, citizens must be involved to keep the government from assuming too much power.   Police departments are militaristic organizations with […]

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Blackberry Festival Family Date Night &Raquo; Young Girl Picking Blackberries At Blackberry Patch 2

Blackberry Festival Family Date Night

Are you trying to squeeze the last bit of family fun into the remaining days of summer?  Why not plan a family date night?  Our family headed out to Wild Blackberry Farms for the inaugural Blackberry Festival.   While it can be difficult (but oh so worth it!) to find a night that works in everyone’s […]

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3 Reasons Business Owners Can Benefit from Passive Income

Are you a Business Owner with an online business?  Are you a Coach or Consultant? How many streams of income do you currently have in your business? I’ll explain shortly why I’m asking the question and why it is an important question for you to think about. I walked away from Corporate America in 2006, […]

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Where Lgbtq+ Meets Dementia &Raquo; File 20

Where LGBTQ+ Meets Dementia

Living with or caring for someone with Dementia is difficult. It can be complicated, emotionally challenging, and lonely. When the person or the caregiver is a part of a sex or gender minority, the difficulties become even broader and more complex. LGBTQ+ individuals living with Dementia may present unexpected challenges for caregivers. Cognitive decline may […]

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