Saturday - September 21st, 2024
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What Do You Believe? &Raquo; What Do You Believe 1024X536 1

What do you believe?

Today’s post is about the need for critical thinking. This is something that is not taught in schools and is a severe shortcoming in most people’s education and lives. When it comes to money many people take the opinions of others at face value without any critical thinking. As an example, when a bank offers […]

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Remember When Pickleball….

Memories are wonderful things, especially when it comes to pickleball. We remember important milestones in the growth of the sport and we remember personal events that continue to make us smile (or sometimes cry). I remember playing my first USAPA Nationals in Buckeye, Arizona. As a new 16 year old, just getting my feet wet, […]

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Creating Harmony To Live Your Best Life &Raquo; Quote Harmonizing Life To Pause Jpg 1024X576 1

Creating Harmony to Live your Best Life

As we begin to open up we are hearing more and more about the importance of “Work Life Balance”.  Honestly I have never understood this phrase. How can there be any balance if work is always priority one? We do not have lives that fit nicely into compartments. Our lives have ebbs and flows that […]

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The Tragedy of Life

“The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin living it.” W.M. Lewis We go through stages in our life. As young children our job is school and learning. Once we are in college, we are starting our adult lessons as well as preparing for […]

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Medicare; Everything You Need to Know 

You may often wonder what Medicare is, who is eligible, and what makes one eligible. Apart from eligibility, you should also know how medicare works and its parts. Medicare is a healthcare insurance program administered by the US federal government that provides coverage for qualified individuals and their families aged 65 and older. It also […]

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Think Fast! Processing Speed &Raquo; Boomerlogowebsite 1

Think Fast! Processing Speed

We ask our brains to perform many complex tasks every single day. Our brains age differently, based on a wide variety of factors including normal aging, lifestyle, genetics, environment and more. However, one of the hallmark changes for our cognitive aging is slowed processing speed. One of the first mental processes impacted by biological age […]

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Are Aging Parents In La-La Land About Their Health?

The United States of Aging Survey, conducted by the National Council on Aging (NCOA), UnitedHealthcare and USA TODAY reported on seniors’ perspectives on aging and what concerns them. Of interest is what doesn’t seem to concern them so much:  taking care of their health. The survey was comprised of 4,000 telephone interviews, including nationally representative samples of Americans ages […]

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How Collecting Data Does Not Stop Financial Abuse Of Aging Parents

Financial abuse of elders is growing. This is not surprising! The Office of Financial Protection For Older Americans documents that banks and other institutions filings of “suspicious activity reports” quadrupled between 2013 and 2017. Elders among us are being victimized by predators of all stripes, starting with family members.  According to this government agency, checking […]

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