A Veteran, registered nurse, former not-for-profit association executive, and public communications specialist, Cheryl Beversdorf produces and hosts Aging MATTERS Radio, weekly radio programs and podcasts offering interviews with experts who talk about aging related topics of interest to older adults and their families. Cheryl also produces and hosts AGING MATTERS TV Show featuring interviews with experts about aging issues, and include demonstrations of how aging related subjects benefit older adults’ lives. She has also produced a series of TV episodes called Stories of Life, which showcase guests who talk about how their life experiences made a difference in their lives and communities.
Recent Content
Conversation w/ Elexa Waugh-Quasebarth, Clinical Manager/Occupational Therapist, Safe at Home-Home Care Partners, about why older adults should plan ahead if they want to stay in their homes as they a…
Conversation w/ Elex…
Conversation w/ Elexa Waugh-Quasebarth, Clinical Manager/Occupational Therapist, Safe at Home-Home Care Partners, about why older adults should plan ahead if they want to stay in their homes as they age and what to know to successfully age in place.

Conversation w/ Marcella Johnstone, Cosmetologist and Master Stylist, about specialized hair and beauty services tailored to older adult needs, effects of aging on hair, skin, and nails, and settings …
Conversation w/ Marc…
Conversation w/ Marcella Johnstone, Cosmetologist and Master Stylist, about specialized hair and beauty services tailored to older adult needs, effects of aging on hair, skin, and nails, and settings where beauty care services are provided.

Conversation w/ Elizabeth Gray, Attorney at Law, McCandlish Lillard, about why Estate planning is recommended for older adults and how an attorney can assist in creating a plan that best reflects th…
Conversation w/ Eli…
Conversation w/ Elizabeth Gray, Attorney at Law, McCandlish Lillard, about why estate planning is recommended for older adults and how an attorney can assist in creating a plan that best reflects their wishes both before and after their death.

Conversation w/ Linda Siam, Project Director, Northern Virginia Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), and Liz Berke, PhD, Director, Program Operations - SCSEP, National Council on Agin…
Conversation w/ Lin…
Conversation w/ Linda Siam, Project Director, Northern Virginia Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), and Liz Berke, PhD, Director, Program Operations - SCSEP, National Council on Aging,about current status of age 50+ adults in the workplace, challenges when seeking employment, and how SCSEP can help those who are unemployed find new jobs.

Conversation w/ Patricia D’Antonio, MS MBA, Executive Director, National Center to Reframe Aging, about how ageism impacts our society, why raising awareness of an implicit bias toward older people …
Conversation w/ Patr…
Conversation w/ Patricia D’Antonio, MS MBA, Executive Director, National Center to Reframe Aging, about how ageism impacts our society, why raising awareness of an implicit bias toward older people is needed, and how the National Center is rethinking aging in America.

Conversation w/ Maimoona Bah, LCSW, Division Director, Arlington (VA) Aging & Disability Services Division, about changes over the past decade regarding older adult needs, and how community agenci…
Conversation w/ Maim…
Conversation w/ Maimoona Bah, LCSW, Division Director, Arlington (VA) Aging & Disability Services Division, about changes over the past decade regarding older adult needs, and how community agencies serve these residents and their families to promote healthier lives.

Conversation w/ Michelle McLeod, PhD, Director, Osteoarthritis Clinical Research Programs, Arthritis Foundation, about diagnosis, treatment, management, and prevention of arthritis, and research to fi…
Conversation w/ Mich…
Conversation w/ Michelle McLeod, PhD, Director, Osteoarthritis Clinical Research Programs, Arthritis Foundation, about diagnosis, treatment, management, and prevention of arthritis, and research to find a cure.

Conversation w/ Santa Claus about aging in place with Mrs. Claus at the North Pole, toy production with elves, decision-making about who’s naughty and who’s nice, worldwide Travel issues, and reti…
Conversation w/ Sant…
Conversation w/ Santa Claus about aging in place with Mrs. Claus at the North Pole, toy production with elves, decision-making about who’s naughty and who’s nice, worldwide travel issues, and Retirement considerations.

Conversation w/ Jack L.B. Gohn, Playwright, Critic and Author, about writing a play called Quitting Time, topics for future works, and productions featuring aging-related themes written by other playw…
Conversation w/ Jack…
Conversation w/ Jack L.B. Gohn, Playwright, Critic and Author, about writing a play called Quitting Time, topics for future works, and productions featuring aging-related themes written by other playwrights.

Conversation w/ Tracey Gendron, MS, PhD, Gerontologist and Chair, Department of Gerontology, Virginia Commonwealth University, and Author, Ageism Unmasked: Exploring Age Bias and How to End It, about …
Conversation w/ Trac…
Conversation w/ Tracey Gendron, MS, PhD, Gerontologist and Chair, Department of Gerontology, Virginia Commonwealth University, and Author, Ageism Unmasked: Exploring Age Bias and How to End It, about how aging and ageism are related, why older adults are targets of ageism, and how to reduce and eliminate it.

Conversation w/ John Kirn Wenderlein III, Hospice Chaplain and Author, Remember Me, about his experiences as a hospice chaplain, and how he and others in that role provide end of life support and help…
Conversation w/ John…
Conversation w/ John Kirn Wenderlein III, Hospice Chaplain and Author, Remember Me, about his experiences as a hospice chaplain, and how he and others in that role provide end of life support and help address concerns of terminally ill individuals and their families.

Conversation w/ Susan I. Wranik, MS, MA, CCC-SLP, Linguist and Speech-Language Pathologist, about problems and disorders treated with speech Therapy, treatment techniques, and benefits of speech thera…
Conversation w/ Susa…
Conversation w/ Susan I. Wranik, MS, MA, CCC-SLP, Linguist and Speech-Language Pathologist, about problems and disorders treated with speech therapy, treatment techniques, and benefits of speech therapy for older adults.

Conversation w/ Michael DiGeronimo, CTRS, Director, Arlington (VA) Adult Day Program, and William Zagorski, CEO, American Senior Care Centers, and Board Chair, National Adult Day Services Association,…
Conversation w/ Mich…
Conversation w/ Michael DiGeronimo, CTRS, Director, Arlington (VA) Adult Day Program, and William Zagorski, CEO, American Senior Care Centers, and Board Chair, National Adult Day Services Association, about adult day program services and how the program supports family caregivers.

Conversation w/Terry Fulmer, PhD, RN, FAAN, President, The John A. Hartford Foundation, and Ken Dychtwald, PhD, Founder/CEO, Age Wave, about key findings of a national survey, “Meeting the Growing D…
Conversation w/Terry…
Conversation w/Terry Fulmer, PhD, RN, FAAN, President, The John A. Hartford Foundation, and Ken Dychtwald, PhD, Founder/CEO, Age Wave, about key findings of a national survey, “Meeting the Growing Demand for Age-Friendly Care: Health Care at the Crossroads,” and how geriatric health care can be improved.

Conversation w/ Michelle Thomas, Coordinator, Virginia Insurance Counseling and Assistance Program, about Medicare parts and enrollment, Medicare Advantage Plans, and State Health Insurance Assistance…
Conversation w/ Mich…
Conversation w/ Michelle Thomas, Coordinator, Virginia Insurance Counseling and Assistance Program, about Medicare parts and enrollment, Medicare Advantage Plans, and State Health Insurance Assistance Programs.

Conversation w/ with Damon Iacovelli, MAcOM LAc, Acupuncturist and Herbalist, Alleva Acupuncture, about acupuncture therapy, how it affects the body, health conditions treated, and the therapy session…
Conversation w/ with…
Conversation w/ with Damon Iacovelli, MAcOM LAc, Acupuncturist and Herbalist, Alleva Acupuncture, about acupuncture therapy, how it affects the body, health conditions treated, and the therapy session experience.

Conversation w/ Stephanie Hoopes, PhD, National Director, United for ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed), and Rosie Allen-Herring, MBA, President and CEO, United Way of the National Ca…
Conversation w/ Step…
Conversation w/ Stephanie Hoopes, PhD, National Director, United for ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed), and Rosie Allen-Herring, MBA, President and CEO, United Way of the National Capital Area, about ways to measure financial hardship and how United Way programs/services help ALICE older adults and families in need.

Conversation w/ Christy Cole, Vice President and Chief Philanthropy Officer, Arlington Community Foundation, about the meaning of philanthropy, suggestions for older adults to make a contribution to …
Conversation w/ Chr…
Conversation w/ Christy Cole, Vice President and Chief Philanthropy Officer, Arlington Community Foundation, about the meaning of philanthropy, suggestions for older adults to make a contribution to their communities, and creation and implementation of a strategic plan for philanthropic giving.