Laughter can be the best medicine
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John Chen is the Host of Engaging Virtual Meetings; a podcast where you meet incredible members of the community and discover their different and unique viewpoints on how they create engaging virtual meetings. Are you working from home? Do your virtual meetings drain your energy? Is video exhaustion real for you? Check out John’s 6-step […]
How to Find the Courage to Change Your Life: Embracing Transformation with Confidence Making a significant change in your life requires the kind of courage that can be hard to summon. It’s about more than just making a decision; it’s about confronting the fear of the unknown and the discomfort that often comes with stepping […]
“If you do not have trusting teams, you have a group of people showing up to work lying, hiding, and faking.” Simon Sinek Simon uses the example of a worker who loved his job. He asked why he loved his job because his supervisor always checked in on him. Also, at the same worker’s other […]
Our society often holds negative stereotypes about older adults, which are evident in language, media, and humour. Common phrases like “over the hill” and “don’t be an old fuddy-duddy” depict aging as a period of weakness and incompetence. This bias against older individuals is termed “ageism.” Ageism is defined as any attitude, action, or societal […]
The grandma clothes aesthetic embraces comfort, timeless style, and a touch of nostalgia, offering a unique way for seniors and those who adore vintage-inspired fashion to express themselves. This style focuses on the practicality and elegance that cater to the lifestyle and needs of senior women, incorporating modern designs with classic comfort. There has been […]
Dressing someone with a spinal cord injury (SCI) presents unique challenges and considerations. The right approach to dressing can significantly impact the wearer’s comfort, skin health, and overall well-being. Understanding these needs is crucial for caregivers and patients alike to ensure a smooth and dignified dressing process. Importance of Proper Dressing During Spinal Cord Injury […]
In general, dementia produces a diffuse, or global decline in intellectual functioning. The symptoms of dementia cover a wide range of behaviors. These are shown in the table below. Memory loss An inability to learn new information; inability to recall recent events, familiar faces; long term memory is better preserved than recent and short term […]
Dementia is caused by various diseases and conditions, many with no cure. The table below shows the early symptoms, pathology, and prevalence of four main dementia subtypes, all progressive and irreversible. Type of Dementia Early Symptoms Pathology Prevalence Alzheimer’s Disease impaired memory, apathy, wandering, getting lost; problem recognizing others; impulsiveness; difficulty communicating Abnormal deposits of […]
C.G. Jung, one of the founders of depth psychology, believed strongly that effective therapy was indicated by the transformation of both the patient and therapist. My approach to working with clients begins with the humble knowledge that I am presented with the people and situations that when explored ensure mutual transformation. I am more of […]