Thursday - September 19th, 2024
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How To Declutter Any Space! &Raquo; Logo

How to Declutter Any Space!

Over the past 20 years of teaching financial principles I am frequently asked about my system for cleaning my house of clutter. I promised you that I would give you the How-to-do-the-decluttering part of my system. Here are the steps I use each time I tackle a storage space that needs to be cleared of […]

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Clearing Clutter: Financial Freedom At Its Simplest! &Raquo; Logo

Clearing Clutter: Financial Freedom at its Simplest!

As I spend this week clearing my desk of the piled up papers and bring semblance of normality to my office, I’m ready for the next big project; decluttering my home. It is an area of neglect for most folks in America, Canada and England, yet it is the first thing I recommend to all […]

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Cut Through Indecision With Living Goals! &Raquo; Logo

Cut through Indecision with Living Goals!

    This week is a week of planning for me. As I wrap up the last year financially and spiritually, I find my thoughts moving to the next dream, project, income level and living goals. Yes, I call them living goals. Why Living Goals? Because of this past November and December! 2016 ended with […]

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Does Your Facebook Need A Reboot? &Raquo; Logo

Does Your Facebook Need a ReBoot?

For the third time this week, I’ve had a friend of mine change her Facebook page and reinvite me as a friend, why? She needed a reboot. Actually, she was fine, her facebook profile needed the reboot, not her. Due to the politics, raging emotions, and general negativity that each of these friends have experienced […]

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Your Life Of Joy! 7-Steps To Bring It In 2017! &Raquo; Logo

Your Life of Joy! 7-Steps to BRING IT in 2017!

New Year’s Eve is fast approaching for those of us who use the Gregorian Calendar and here I sit for the 29th year in a row, pen in hand, writing down my annual goals. I’m thinking, “Bring it in 2017!” Shocked? I sure was when asked by a friend how long I had been writing […]

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The Money Muse Is Now On Radio! &Raquo; Logo

The Money Muse is Now on Radio!

It took awhile, but finally, after several years of work, encouragement from students and harassment from friends (thanks, Bryan and Ruth) I am lucky enough to be hosting a radio show called “Power Women.” The show is designed to inspired and help women rise to their full potential despite their already packed “to-do-lists.” Learn tips, […]

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Credit Or Debit? How To Run A Business Via Plastic &Raquo; Logo

Credit or Debit? How to Run a Business via Plastic

Over the last 15 years I’ve been asked a lot of questions about money. But there are some that I get asked again, and again, and again…I’m thrilled to have a blog so that I can post answers and then just refer folks to the particular article that they need. However, with the economy bouncing […]

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Busting The Top Three Diet Myths With Cheryl Dolven &Raquo; Logo

Busting the Top Three Diet Myths with Cheryl Dolven

Last week on my radio show (Power Women) I had a guest that made the chemist in me smile that really geeky smile. Her name is Cheryl Dolven and she works as the Director of Nutrition Marketing for the Kellogg Company. Our lives happened to intersect due to a marketing campaign that was being done […]

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Pay Off Your Credit Cards With Simplicity &Raquo; Logo

Pay Off Your Credit Cards with Simplicity

When I get three emails on the same subject in one week, I know it is time to post a blog response. This week’s main topic is paying off the credit card debt. It seems there are lots of discussions going on in a variety of households regarding the proper way to pay off the […]

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