Friday - September 20th, 2024
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A Culture Of Wellness &Raquo; Core Thinking

A Culture of Wellness

Greg Hammer, MD is a Stanford University Medical Center pediatric intensive care physician, pediatric anesthesiologist, researcher, world-renowned guest lecturer, and author of GAIN Without Pain: The Happiness Handbook for Health Care Professionals. With an increase in burnout and stress among his colleagues and medical professionals, Dr. Hammer is striving to bring a Culture of Wellness […]

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Telehealth Marketing: Local To Global &Raquo; Lwaldman Photo.jpg 234

Telehealth Marketing: Local to Global

The pandemic has changed the way psychotherapy is currently provided. My local listserve is burning up with colleagues talking about the problems, ethical factors, insurance questions, the extra energy required, and more, regarding telehealth. In business it is said that in a crisis many people suffer but some people become wealthy. For example, delivery companies […]

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Everest Lessons: How Did It Start? &Raquo; 73 Image 581526

Everest Lessons: How did it start?

Before I dive into the lessons I learned from Everest, first of all, how did the whole thing start? The credit goes to the documentary movie “Touching the Void”. It was my first winter in Boston. As a fresh MBA graduate, I was working a 12-hours-a-day corporate job and focused on my career track only. […]

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Review: The Senior Years Master Plan &Raquo; 416Lbnpcshl

Review: The Senior Years Master Plan

Here’s hoping everyone is healthy and safe!! COVID19 has touched all of our lives in many various ways. The one things most evident is our mortality, and how life can change on a dime! Planning is an essential part of life and as we all age, taking hard looks at possibilities is essential.   Turning […]

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Let Grandma Do It First &Raquo; Lwaldman Photo.jpg 234

Let Grandma Do it First

A major revelation to me from the current virus is the sad state of our digital system. Because many of us are house-bound, we are using the Internet more often for information, entertainment and socialization. Presumably due to this significantly increased demand, I regularly experience sites that don’t work, buttons that don’t function, pages that […]

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Lessons Learned &Raquo; Core Thinking

Lessons Learned

When I wake up, it is an opportunity to face a new day, new possibilities, new energy. No matter what is happening in the outer world, it is ultimately my choice of how I proceed to move through the day in thoughts and action. As the world struggles to come back into balance I watch […]

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Where Do We Go From Here? &Raquo; Core Thinking

Where Do We Go From Here?

Out of chaos comes clarity. I believe life expresses itself through our experiences, the good and the bad. No matter the extent to which we are stretched, it seems we find the path that will ultimately lead us to safer grounds. Consider what your journey has been up to this point. Have you not overcome, […]

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9 Ways To Prepare For Gut-Wrenching Coronavirus Losses &Raquo; Dsc3090 Stan Goldberg By Tim Marsolais

9 Ways to Prepare for Gut-Wrenching Coronavirus Losses

Officials from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) assert–with absolute certainty–that I and millions of others will experience soul-crushing losses within the next few weeks because of the coronavirus. Those of us who survive must wrestle with how to prepare for the empty spaces the disease will create in our lives. Anger will do little […]

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Dealing With Moods &Raquo; Logo

Dealing with Moods

Listen to the Top Three Questions most often asked of Personal Finance Coaches. The post Dealing with Moods appeared first on The 8 Gates. Originally Published on

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Heroes Among Us &Raquo; Core Thinking

Heroes Among Us

In times of crisis, the best in us will surface. We find something that wells up from deep within, from a place we may have not visited in a while. When we see others in pain, fear and/or suffering, our innate nature of nurture surfaces. We all want this turning point in the history of […]

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