Friday - September 27th, 2024
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Do I Stay In Contact After the Death?

Dear Barbara, Working in hospice, I always had a terrible time with —  do I stay in contact with the family after the death? I think staying in contact with a family after the death is a personal practice and option. Most of the time there is another patient and family admitted to our full […]

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Happy St Valentines Day

 This is for some, a very serious day, I hope to lighten up the mood. So, here are a few jokes about Valentine’s Day: Why was the math book sad on Valentine’s Day?      Because it had too many problems and no solutions. Why did the tomato turn red on Valentine’s Day?      Because it […]

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Jabroni, Magic Mike, And The Game Around Rihanna’s Halftime Show &Raquo; Jabroni

Jabroni, Magic Mike, and the Game around Rihanna’s halftime show

The slang noun, Jabroni, expanded beyond its original use in professional wrestling to social media after the AFC Championship football game. We credit the Sheik and the Rock for their roles in getting this interesting noun into the dictionary: A few weeks ago, the KC Chiefs’ Travis Kelce challenged the Cincinnati mayor for his rather […]

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How To Stay Financially Sound While Beginning A Start-Up &Raquo; Pangofinancial 141053 Stay Financially Sound Image1

How To Stay Financially Sound While Beginning a Start-Up

Beginning a start-up is no easy feat. In fact, it’s something to pat yourself on the back over because it takes a lot of hard work and determination. As you’re in the process of starting out, it’s common to have fears of failure, especially financially. If this is you, you aren’t alone in those fears. […]

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Find the Right Financial Advisor for Retirement

When it comes to optimizing your financial wellness, many believe that expert and unbiased financial advice is too expensive or out of reach. But that’s not always true. It’s essential that you understand how your financial advisor is compensated, so you can truly trust advice that could make or break your retirement goals. You don’t […]

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Budget Tips For Seniors: 5 Simple Changes That Add Up Fast

Looking for some budget tips that will actually save you some cash each month? You’re not alone. Meet Jane, a retiree who’s always been good with her finances. But over the last 12 months, she noticed her monthly expenses slowly increasing each month. Before she knew it, her budget was out of bounds! After spending […]

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Pet Emergencies To Be Aware Of When Your Pet Need Care &Raquo; Picture12 1

Pet Emergencies To Be Aware Of When Your Pet Need Care

5/5 – (1 vote)   You are getting ready for bed when all of a sudden, your dog begins to act differently towards you. Your baby chihuahua, who usually loves to get in bed and cuddle up with you, is now afraid of you, won’t make eye contact with you, and can’t stand up straight. […]

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What’s The Frequency, Kenneth? &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

What’s the Frequency, Kenneth?

When I was a kid, living in Meriden, CT, my next-door neighbor, Gary, was six or eight years older than me. On summer nights, after I’d gone to bed, Gary would sit outside, just below my bedroom window, listening to baseball games on a little transistor radio. He loved to listen to Bob Prince call […]

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Proven Success Secrets Of Real Estate Leaders &Raquo; Unsplash Image Rgj1J8Sdeay

Proven Success Secrets Of Real Estate Leaders

@tierramallorca The real estate industry is full of opportunities for growth and profitability, whether you explore it as a developer or an investor. You can start small and make it big sooner than later. However, you cannot overlook the challenges of the domain, from stiff competition to unpredictable markets and hefty investment requirements. But great […]

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