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New Year For Homesrenewed &Raquo; Shutterstock 753723136 E1542249337556 300X277 1

New Year for HomesRenewed

2020 taught us many lessons about our healthcare system and rampant racial inequality in America.  One of the biggest lessons learned: we need to take better care of older people who have suffered dreadfully from the pandemic. To date, approximately 40%  of the people who’ve died from Covid-19 either lived in or worked at nursing […]

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Independent and Assisted Living

Senior housing today is light years away from the senior housing of your parents or grandparents day! I speak with people every day who are completely opposed to Independent Living or Assisted Living because they’re envisioning a nursing home where they sleep in a hospital bed, eat jello and play Bingo for excitement. WRONG! With […]

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Navigating The Covid-19 Vaccine Process &Raquo; Depositphotos 355063072 Xl 2015

Navigating the COVID-19 Vaccine Process

The COVID-19 vaccine is now becoming available to others outside the healthcare industry, but it can seem like a dangling carrot with no real access. So how can you navigate the COVID-19 vaccine process? It won’t be available from you primary care provider (PCP) because of the strict cold storage requirements. But some large healthcare […]

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Is It Time For Senior Living? &Raquo; File

Is it time for Senior Living?

I think most of us are in denial that our parents are aging. It’s hard to imagine them leaving their homes (it may even be the house you grew up in) and moving to a senior living community. How do you know when it’s time to have that discussion and begin looking into options? Below […]

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5 Benefits of Moving to a Senior Living Community

You may have lived in your home for 30+ years, creating a lifetime of beautiful memories. Now, the kids have moved out, and you’re left with the upkeep of a house that’s too big for just you and your spouse. The thought of cleaning out closets and downsizing can be overwhelming, but maybe it’s time […]

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Nothing Sweeter Than Honey &Raquo; File 1

Nothing Sweeter Than Honey

In senior housing the goal is to improve and enrich the quality of each senior’s life. Sometimes we meet people working in senior communities who go above and beyond to ensure a senior is happy and thriving. In my opinion they are “Senior Angels” and should be recognized. This is the story about Jack and […]

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40+ Quotes to Help Relieve Your Emotional Pain

Quotes on How to Relieve Your Emotional Pain Emotional pain is different for everyone.  We experience true bouts of emotional pain in some form during life.  Emotional pain is the mental anguish and despair one gets from suffering from common emotions such as sadness, loss, grief, heartbreak, and/or depression.   Do you find yourself saying to […]

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2020 Pickleball Rocks Player Of The Year Announced &Raquo; Newmans 1

2020 Pickleball Rocks Player of the Year Announced

The Pickleball Rocks Players of the Year: Team Newman and Stephanie Lane During the year, people throughout Pickleball Nation email us or use our website to tell us about their favorite players. They tell us about players who have dominated in tournament play, but many times they also tell us about players who have […]

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Top 10 New Year'S Resolutions For Seniors &Raquo; File 2

Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions for Seniors

It’s New Year’s day, the start of another brand new year, bright with the promise of new beginnings. Most of us think of the new year as a “do-over” for the things we meant to do last year, but never quite got around to doing. This year before you start making your list of resolutions, […]

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