Saturday - September 21st, 2024
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Star People &Raquo; Starpeople 1024X558 1

Star People

When we were very young, my brother told me he was a Martian. He explained that the two antennae growing out of the top of his head were invisible. And his skin wasn’t green. So most people were not aware of his true identity. But if I wanted, he would take me to outer space […]

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Dealing With Toxic Co-Workers Or Bosses &Raquo; Watchout1Copy Scaled 1

Dealing with Toxic Co-Workers or Bosses

Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash Toxic co-workers or bosses can create big problems at work. As a workplace conflict transformation consultant, coach, and trainer, I have assisted many of my individual and organizational conflict clients who have had issues with toxic people in their workplaces. What are signs that a coworker is toxic? There […]

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Can You Be Yourself At Work? &Raquo; Andy Lopata 1 Lo Res

Can You Be Yourself at Work?

Do you split your business and personal life and adopt a different professional persona? And should you bring a little more of yourself to your job? Originally Published on

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“Gill We Meet Again”

By Jerry Zezima Something fishy is going on in my house. And it’s a matter of life and death. That’s because Camilla, the latest in our endless series of pet fish, tragically went belly-up, something these little creatures tend to do with dismaying frequency. Mayflies are like Methuselah compared to some of the fish we […]

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Be Irresistible In 7 Seconds &Raquo; Be Irresistible In 7 Seconds 1024X536 1

Be Irresistible in 7 Seconds

Would you like people to trust you in seven seconds? You can learn how to have people trust you, like you, and buy from you in as little as seven seconds. This is not a promotional email to a seminar or workshop. Below is a link to a six-minute interview with Vanessa Van Edwards, the […]

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Will My Rmd Save Me? &Raquo; Save 2340273 340

Will My RMD Save Me?

     Last week I took the annual RMD from my IRA account. Probably most people schedule monthly withdrawals from their IRA or 401K, but for various reasons — including the fact that Social Security sends me money every month — I choose a lump sum.      In completing this exercise I found out […]

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Who is Listening?

In 1977 NASA launched Voyager I and Voyager II to fly by Saturn and Jupiter, collecting data that has increased scientists’ knowledge of those planets and our solar system. In 2012, Voyager I reached interstellar space, making it the most distant human-made object in existence. Both spacecraft carry a “time-capsule” called The Golden Record, a […]

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Why Meaningful Connections Matter &Raquo; 9A654E7A 39Cd 4466 B5F3 C3Fa3Badc63F 3845X4806

Why Meaningful Connections Matter

Does the widely used term “meaningful connection” hold any meaning for you? The phrase is bandied about how “friend” is used for those we care about and arbitrarily connect with on social media and work. There is a vast difference between a true friend and a social media “friend.” A true friend is a person […]

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Is It Dementia Or Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (Nph)? &Raquo; File 63

Is it Dementia or Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH)?

Did you know that some people diagnosed with dementia may not have dementia at all? Surprisingly, it’s estimated that 5 percent of people institutionalized for dementia actually have Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH). NPH is caused when the normal production of spinal fluid goes awry and builds up in brain ventricles, which cushion and nourish the […]

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