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Me on lesbians

                                        (792 words)Our daughters’ reactions to my provocation were so visceral, so instantaneous, and so homicidal I remember being glad the girls don’t pack heat.We’d just finished watching some pleasant-looking young lady, a talent show contestant, belt […]

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Time to Explore All The Write Moves?

Your intuition knows what to write, so get out of the way. ― Ray Bradbury “I Can’t Write.” Yes, you can. If you can talk, you can write. If you can express yourself in any other medium, you can write. If you can type, operate a pen or a pencil, or string together words and […]

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A New Year, A Little Confusion, and some Positive Intelligence

A New Year, A Little Confusion, and Some Positive Intelligence Big questions and some confusion as the new year lifts off. It’s Monday morning, 02 January 2023, and I’m writing this before joining my family to watch the Rose Parade, something we look forward to every year. Before leaving the guest bedroom at the family […]

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Frustrated With Healthcare? You’re Not Alone. &Raquo; Doctor And Patient 2021 08 26 21 42 35 Utc 1024X683 1

Frustrated with Healthcare? You’re Not Alone.

Sometimes it feels like healthcare is moving from being a compassionate profession to a robotic system. Doctors are frustrated. Patients are frustrated. At times, this “new and improved” healthcare system seems like it churns patients in and out of a revolving door. Insurance companies must contain costs, just like every other type of business. Otherwise, […]

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Readers’ Favorite Retirement Blogs: 2022

Older Americans who want to be smart about retirement finances are curious about the intricacies of Social Security. The blog that drew the most traffic from our readers last year – “The Bridge to a Larger Social Security Check” – suggested a strategy for getting more out of the program: delay signing up for Social […]

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Eating Healthy In The New Year &Raquo; File 32

Eating Healthy In The New Year

New Year = New Year’s Resolutions? For many of us, we have made a commitment to eating healthy in 2023! Growing your own vegetables, herbs, lettuces and some fruits are easy with Lettuce Grow. With 2023 in full swing, I thought I’d share a wonderful hydroponic growing system that I have been using for about […]

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Doctors and Patients Must Communicate Better

America has long been facing a healthcare crisis. The loss of a job can mean the difference between having superior healthcare coverage for you and your family and having none. But millions of Americans don’t benefit from employer-sponsored healthcare and struggle to receive even the most basic care. Yet no one can afford to take […]

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Why I’m On a Mission to Rebrand the Meaning of Midlife

Midlife is the Best Season of Our Lives Midlife is the best season of our lives, but often many of us like fulfillment in some area of our midlife. It doesn’t have to be that way. The Midlife Fulfilled podcast is a resource for people in a midlife season to discover ways to find fulfillment […]

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A Trip to the ER? Know Your Medications.

If the ER doctor does not know your medications, he is left in the dark about making important decisions. For example, he might order something other than a drug you really need. Or he might order a medication that interacts negatively with medication still in your system. Therefore, knowing your medications is crucial! When you […]

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