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Dennis Pitocco Chief ReImaginator of 360° Nation

Dennis is the founder and CEO of 360° Nation, a multifaceted media enterprise promoting global positivity. In collaboration with his wife Ali, who serves as Chief Inspiration Officer, Dennis oversees several successful ventures; BizCatalyst 360°–an award-winning global media platform; 360° Nation Studios –producer of uplifting content and events, and; GoodWorks 360° –a pro bono consulting service for nonprofit organizations worldwide.

For over a decade, Dennis and Ali have pursued a mission to illuminate the finest aspects of humanity and leverage their resources to effect daily positive change worldwide. Their operational philosophy emphasizes presence, compassionate service, and the allocation of time, talents, and resources for societal benefit rather than solely for profit. As a contributing author to multiple best-selling books, Dennis is committed to fostering transformational change and promoting holistic wellness.

Dennis and Ali strive to exemplify responsible stewardship while influencing and showcasing humanity's highest potential. Their work reflects a dedication to ethical business practices, community engagement, and the belief that media can be a powerful force for good in the world.

Recent Content

Community Matters: Because “Everything Belongs Together”

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. – Helen KellerOur friend Michelle’s five-year-old daughter, Maija, has an interesting approach to playtime. She loves mixing together dolls…

Alone we can do so l…

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. – Helen KellerOur friend Michelle’s five-year-old daughter, Maija, has an interesting approach to playtime. She loves mixing together dolls from different playsets to come up with a new community. In the world of her imagination, everything belongs together. These are her people. She believes they are happiest when they’re together, despite being different sizes and shapes. Throughout history, two forces have driven human progress: our capacity for innovation and our ability to collaborate. These powers, fueled by the indomitable h…

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Can a Garden Cultivate Compassion?

Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive. — Dalai LamaIn the heart of Niagara Falls, a unique initiative is taking root. The Gardens of Compassion i…

Love and compassion …

Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive. — Dalai LamaIn the heart of Niagara Falls, a unique initiative is taking root. The Gardens of Compassion is more than just a place to grow vegetables—it’s a space where empathy blossoms and understanding flourishes. This community garden has three primary goals that intertwine like vines on a trellis:Nourishing bodies and minds by growing fresh, healthy food for vulnerable populations while educating them about nutrition. Breaking down the stigma surrounding mental illness by bringing together v…

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From 7 Seas to 7 Continents: Our Search for an Antarctic Writer

If Antarctica were music it would be Mozart. Art, and it would be Michelangelo. Literature, and it would be Shakespeare. And yet it is something even greater; the only place on earth that is still as …

If Antarctica were m…

If Antarctica were music it would be Mozart. Art, and it would be Michelangelo. Literature, and it would be Shakespeare. And yet it is something even greater; the only place on earth that is still as it should be. May we never tame it. — Andrew DentonHave you ever wondered what it would be like to write from the most remote continent on Earth? As an award-winning global media site, we’ve long prided ourselves on representing voices from across the globe. Our roster boasts almost 1200 contributors from bustling metropolises, serene countryside retreats, and even tropical island paradises.…

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Humankindness: Ready to Flip the Script?

We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery, we need humanity. More than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness. –Charlie ChaplinIn a world often dominated by negative headline…

We think too much an…

We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery, we need humanity. More than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness. –Charlie ChaplinIn a world often dominated by negative headlines, imagine flipping the script and replacing all the bad news with stories of kindness in action. Instead of tales of conflict and disaster, picture a news cycle brimming with accounts of everyday heroes, random acts of compassion, and communities coming together to uplift one another. This shift in focus could not only brighten our daily outlook but also inspire a ripple effect of goodwill, remin…

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Amazing Grace: A Dance of Earning, Giving, and Receiving

Grace is the light that illuminates our imperfections, the balm that soothes our wounds, and the bridge that connects us to our shared humanity. In its giving and receiving, we find our truest selves.…

Grace is the light t…

Grace is the light that illuminates our imperfections, the balm that soothes our wounds, and the bridge that connects us to our shared humanity. In its giving and receiving, we find our truest selves.Grace, often misunderstood as a static trait, is a dynamic force flowing through our lives in three interconnected streams: earning, giving, and receiving. This trinity of grace, when coupled with situational magnanimity, can profoundly enrich our daily experiences. Earning grace involves cultivating kindness and understanding within ourselves. It’s about refining our character through small, …

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Playing it Safe –Or Playing it Comfortable?

Safety is a concept that can be manipulated to justify nearly anything. ~Bruce SchneierIn recent years, a troubling trend has emerged in group discussions, particularly in professional and social se…

Safety is a concept …

Safety is a concept that can be manipulated to justify nearly anything. ~Bruce SchneierIn recent years, a troubling trend has emerged in group discussions, particularly in professional and social settings. When faced with ideas that challenge their beliefs or worldviews, some individuals retreat behind the claim, “I don’t feel safe.” While personal safety is undoubtedly crucial, this phrase is increasingly misused as a shield against intellectual discomfort, stifling meaningful dialogue and Growth. The concept of safety in discourse originally aimed to protect vulnerable groups from ge…

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Studio 360° – A New Lens on Extraordinary Lives

Mutual reflection. Open and candid conversation. Questioning of old beliefs and assumptions. Learning to let go. Awareness of how our own actions create the systemic structures that produce our prob…

Mutual reflection. O…

Mutual reflection. Open and candid conversation. Questioning of old beliefs and assumptions. Learning to let go. Awareness of how our own actions create the systemic structures that produce our problems. Developing these learning capabilities lies at the heart of profound change. –Peter SengeWe’re excited to announce the launch of Studio 360°, an innovative, virtually live (via Zoom) interview series that brings you face-to-face with some of the most intriguing human beings on the planet. Studio 360° offers unprecedented casual “fireside chats” founded upon open, honest, engaging…

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Navigating Our “Way” Back – With A Million Steps Forward

The Camino scallop shell symbolizes rebirth, leaving your old life behind and embarking on a new spiritual journey.Author’s Note: Over the course of 40 days (and circa 1.3 million steps) my wife …

The Camino scallop s…

The Camino scallop shell symbolizes rebirth, leaving your old life behind and embarking on a new spiritual journey.Author’s Note: Over the course of 40 days (and circa 1.3 million steps) my wife Ali and I recently completed our long-planned pilgrimage across the Camino de Santiago, also known as the “Way of St. James”. We’ve done our best to capture the essence of our life-changing experience within the essay below.As we embarked on the 500-mile Camino de Santiago starting from the small town of Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, France, and culminating in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, we…

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On Joining the “Infinite Library of Alexandria”

Google News is the Infinite Library of Alexandria made accessible to all. Its power to inform and enlighten is beyond measure. ~UnknownAuthor/Editor Note:  This Article was inspired by the fact tha…

Google News is the I…

Google News is the Infinite Library of Alexandria made accessible to all. Its power to inform and enlighten is beyond measure. ~UnknownAuthor/Editor Note:  This Article was inspired by the fact that our award-winning site is now syndicated via Google News, substantially amplifying the visibility of our 1100+ Featured Contributors, while extending our reach across 130 countries.  FOLLOW US HEREThe Library of Alexandria was an ancient universal library and one of the largest repositories of knowledge in the ancient world. It was located in Alexandria, Egypt, and flourished in the 3rd cent…

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Cultivating Glee: Time for an “Explosion of Joy”?

Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day. ~Henri Nouwen When France and Argentina met in the 2022 World Cup final, it was an incredible contest that many …

Joy does not simply …

Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day. ~Henri Nouwen When France and Argentina met in the 2022 World Cup final, it was an incredible contest that many dubbed the “greatest World Cup match in history.” As the final seconds ticked off in extra time, the score was tied 3-3, sending the soccer teams to penalty kicks. After Argentina scored the winning goal, the nation erupted in celebration. More than a million Argentineans overwhelmed downtown Buenos Aires. Drone footage spread across social media showing this raucous, happy scene. One BBC repo…

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Rediscovering Humanity: At Our Third Place

 We should have more coffeehouses, more cafes, more “third places.” More places where people can get together that’s not work, not home, and where they can interact with people who are differen…

 We should have mor…

 We should have more coffeehouses, more cafes, more “third places.” More places where people can get together that’s not work, not home, and where they can interact with people who are different from them. ~ Eric Weiner I recognize, I acknowledge, and I am grateful. In French, these three concepts are expressed by one term: “Je suis reconnaissant.” A term that clearly captures my sentiment when it comes to the “third place” that we call Our Friendship Bench. I witness with amazement the magic that transpires week after week. I acknowledge that the magic is borne of the wonderful…

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In Search of More with Less: Disconnecting to Reconnect

In a world that’s constantly connected, sometimes the greatest act of rebellion is to disconnect so we can reconnect with our own inner world, our inner Wisdom, and our deeper truths. –UnknownWe…

In a world that’s …

In a world that’s constantly connected, sometimes the greatest act of rebellion is to disconnect so we can reconnect with our own inner world, our inner wisdom, and our deeper truths. –UnknownWe live in curious times. It’s called the “Age of Information, but in another light, it can be called the Age of Distraction. While humanity has never been free of distraction – never have the distractions been so voluminous, so overwhelming, so intense, so persistent as they are now. We have forgotten how to slow down. Clash of the Titans: Well-Being vs FOMO Ah, FOMO, the ever-present fear of…

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Changing the World: by Fighting to End Human Trafficking

When we allow our children to be sold, to be used as a commodity, to be violated, persecuted, neglected, discarded, and preyed upon by criminal influences, we deteriorate as a civilized community. The…

When we allow our ch…

When we allow our children to be sold, to be used as a commodity, to be violated, persecuted, neglected, discarded, and preyed upon by criminal influences, we deteriorate as a civilized community. There is nothing civilized about the exploitation of the weak, the innocent, and the vulnerable for selfish gain. –Andi Buerger As CEO/ReImaginator for 360° Nation and Chief Encouragement Officer of our affiliated pro bono social impact enterprise; GoodWorks 360° Foundation, I was delighted to have the opportunity to get better acquainted with Andi Buerger, JD, Founder of Voice Against Traffi…

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Cultivating Glee: Has Joy Left the Building?

We simply cannot know joy without embracing vulnerability – and the way to do that is to focus on gratitude, not fear. ~Brené BrownSumming up his status as more than a man but a force of nature, …

We simply cannot kno…

We simply cannot know joy without embracing vulnerability – and the way to do that is to focus on gratitude, not fear. ~Brené BrownSumming up his status as more than a man but a force of nature, the colloquialism “Elvis has left the building!”  has taken on a life of its own in the 40 years since Presley left the building for good. According to the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, this phrase is often used to emphasize that something is definitely over or that someone has gone and will not return. Hope for a Brighter Future In recent years, our 360° Nation Studios enterpr…

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What About Your “Third Place”

The third place has always been a feeling. An emotion. An aspiration that all people can come together and be uplifted as a result of a sense of belonging. –Howard Schultz, CEO of StarbucksThe Si…

The third place has …

The third place has always been a feeling. An emotion. An aspiration that all people can come together and be uplifted as a result of a sense of belonging. –Howard Schultz, CEO of StarbucksThe Significance of Third Places In the dynamic tapestry of human life, beyond the confines of our homes and the structured environment of workplaces, lies a realm of social interaction and communal connection – the cherished domain known as third places. These spaces, distinct from our private lives and professional pursuits, serve as vibrant hubs where individuals can shed their everyday personas an…

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Life on the Street: Sheltered by Culture

You see, when you’re homeless, you’re invisible. People don’t want to see you because when they see you it’s very hard for them to just ignore you, to just pretend that you’re not there. ~Jo…

You see, when you’…

You see, when you’re homeless, you’re invisible. People don’t want to see you because when they see you it’s very hard for them to just ignore you, to just pretend that you’re not there. ~John S., a homeless man Homeless culture is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. It is shaped by a variety of factors, including individual experiences, socioeconomic conditions, and the broader social and political context. For most of us, homelessness is unimaginable. We take for granted that we’ll be able to meet our daily needs of safety, food, shelter, and companionship without facing incre…

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You’re Homeless… Now What?

Homelessness is the space between the place where you once lived and the place where you will live again. It is the place of dislocation, transition, waiting … ~Lucy, a woman who was once homeless…

Homelessness is the …

Homelessness is the space between the place where you once lived and the place where you will live again. It is the place of dislocation, transition, waiting … ~Lucy, a woman who was once homelessWhat does homelessness look like, and who does it affect? Martha Stone, the executive director of a 96-bed homeless shelter, shares the stories of a few residents of the shelter, and shares how we can all end the cycle of homelessness in our communities.It’s time for real stories to be told by the unsheltered and by those who can speak about and for them so we can debunk the myths  “for g…

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What About the Invisible People?

People avoid eye contact. They step away from you. They don’t answer you if you address them — even if you wish them a good day! It’s painful. It’s debilitating. Over time, it gets worse, not …

People avoid eye con…

People avoid eye contact. They step away from you. They don’t answer you if you address them — even if you wish them a good day! It’s painful. It’s debilitating. Over time, it gets worse, not better. There are a lot of bad things about being homeless, but being invisible is the worst! This is how we know that powerful change can happen when people who are homeless get the chance to tell their stories. You should see someone’s face when they realize another person actually wants to listen to them.Every human being needs to be seen, heard, and acknowledged. But for homeless people,…

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