Saturday - September 21st, 2024
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Travel -- Too Much Trouble? &Raquo; Img 1570 2

Travel — Too Much Trouble?

      I’ve been away from home for a little over a week, with a week to go. We’ve had a good time. But honestly, traveling today is more trouble than it used to be.      There’s the usual trouble of remembering car keys, room keys, iphone, reading glasses, distance glasses, bug spray, […]

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Remember &Raquo; Whaleremembering 1024X655 1


As we find our way through challenging times, when healing and change feel out of reach, when you begin to doubt that just one person can make a difference, remember… Remember the times long before nuclear bombs mass incarceration and children in cages at our border Remember the ancient ways when love had no bounds […]

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May/June tweets of the Month(s)

  • Val was rattled this week after seeing a picture of her late mother from when she was 4 years younger than Val is today. Her mother appeared much older. Told Val she shouldn’t be surprised. She works very hard at eating right and remaining fit, has a natural beauty and, in fact, looks […]

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History in the Making: And Now Joined at the Chip

History is a symphony of echoes heard and unheard. It is a poem with events as verses. – Charles Angoff When Johannes Gutenberg combined the printing press with moveable type in 1450, he ushered in the era of mass communications in the West, spreading learning into new social realms. Literacy increased across the globe and […]

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Literacy, librarians and labels

Shhh! That is the sound of the librarian when you are caught talking.  Before my walkabout with Prudence, that was my stereotype of librarians. The label I gave librarians was quiet, demure people who loved books. It is true that Prudence loves books. It is also true that she speaks quietly. But she is passionate […]

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