Tuesday - September 24th, 2024
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Government Overpayments of Medicare Advantage Plans

A series of recent audits have revealed a concerning trend in the way that Medicare Advantage plans have been receiving payments from the government. According to reports, a sampling of billings showed nearly $12 million in net overpayments for about 18,000 patients between 2011 and 2013. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) had […]

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Word Puzzles – How They Improve Brain Health

Word puzzles are a type of puzzle that challenges you to find a list of words hidden within a grid or other arrangement. They can be as simple as a list of words that you have to find in a jumble of letters, or they can be more complex, requiring you to unscramble clues and […]

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A jiffy moment or two about time

(587 words)I’m a guy with plenty of time on his hands so I wonder about the passing of time pretty much round the clock.Speaking of clocks, historians say the first one was built in the year 1270. Catching a bus before then must have required infinite patience.It sounds simplistic, but I wonder how they decided […]

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Tis the Season to Shop for Medicare Options

Americans are fighting back against soaring food prices by shopping at discount grocers, buying lower-cost store brands, or giving up their favorite gourmet items. Yet Medicare beneficiaries usually don’t shop around for a less expensive insurance policy or a higher quality one. It’s also advisable for retirees to review their current plans to make sure […]

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5 Strategies To Improve Your Finances As An Entrepreneur &Raquo; Screenshot2022 11 226.38.21Am

5 Strategies to Improve Your Finances as an Entrepreneur

Image credit Growing your business and becoming an entrepreneur can be extremely rewarding. However, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. As an entrepreneur, you will often feel stretched to your personal and financial limits. As an entrepreneur, you likely have many expenses with starting and running your own company. To stay afloat as an entrepreneur […]

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How To Prepare Your Home For A Window Replacement &Raquo; Unsplash Image 4Grnmhgzyze

How To Prepare Your Home for a Window Replacement

Source: @slrncl Planning home upgrades and repairs of any nature can sometimes feel chaotic. Through timely planning, you can help reduce the amount of clutter inside your home and help prepare your family for the project. In this article, we discuss how to prepare your home for a window replacement. Ensure the Installation Team Has […]

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The Benefits Of Food-Grade Conveyors In Restaurants &Raquo; Bktvl4Ejlihcrwcdos0Cuwbc0Jyla7W81668786836

The Benefits of Food-Grade Conveyors in Restaurants

When you think of conveyor systems in restaurants, you probably think of Krispy Kreme’s giant metal conveyors, baking and glazing their famous original glazed donuts. Or maybe you think of those small conveyor belts at sushi restaurants, where kaitenzushi winds its way around the restaurant, allowing the diners to take whichever dishes they’d like. But […]

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Low-Cost Ways To Promote Your Business &Raquo; Screenshot2022 11 226.14.53Am

Low-Cost Ways To Promote Your Business

Image Credit Increasing awareness of your company’s goods or services is essential to success. It can increase your revenue above 20%, regardless of whether you are a major corporation or a small firm with a limited marketing budget. The best part is that numerous inexpensive marketing tactics can be equally successful. Below is a discussion […]

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Facts And Figures For Thanksgiving 2022 &Raquo; 6A00E550081576883402Af14852C07200C 320Wi

Facts and figures for Thanksgiving 2022

This year at Thanksgiving, I’m thinking about my mom and dad. They met on a wheat ranch during the Great Depression and had virtually nothing with which to start their married lives. When I was married in the 1960s, my former husband and I also had nothing. However, we did get college degrees. I’m thankful […]

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