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Difficulty Pulling Up Pants? Five Tips To Help &Raquo; 4 07280Be8 D912 4669 9B31 6Cf560D8015C 480X480

Difficulty Pulling Up Pants? Five Tips to Help

  It’s a Big Life Change when Pulling Up Pants Becomes a Chore For many people, pulling up their pants can be a daily struggle, especially for those with limited mobility, arthritis, those who use a wheelchair or other mobility aid. For some, this difficulty could be temporary due to a recent medical procedure. But […]

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Fit Tip: Four On The Floor &Raquo; Family G3D477Bef9 640 300X240 1

Fit Tip: Four on the Floor

In my previous post I shared 3 simple fit tips which I believe are crucial to vibrant health, fitness, flexibility, and youthful vitality at every stage of life, but especially for the over fifty population. Or even for the younger populations who would like to prepare ahead. Which I personally think is a great idea. […]

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New Book: Baby Boomer Burnout By Michael D. Levitt &Raquo; Babyboomerburnoutcover

New Book: Baby Boomer Burnout by Michael D. Levitt

New Book Baby Boomer Burnout by Michael D. Levitt The Baby Boomer generation, born between 1946 and 1964, is now reaching retirement age. However, many Boomers are finding themselves experiencing burnout, a condition typically associated with overworked, stressed-out young professionals. In his new book, “Baby Boomer Burnout” Michael D. Levitt explores this phenomenon and offers […]

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Creating A Healthy And Productive Work Culture: 4 Great Ways To Do It &Raquo; Unsplash Image Ydvdprpghv4

Creating A Healthy and Productive Work Culture: 4 Great Ways To Do It

Photo via @linkedinsalesnavigator The best way to establish and sustain a high-performing business is to create a healthy work environment. Organizations prioritizing long-term success have to show care for their employees, irrespective of if they are part-time, remote, or on-site.  What is considered a healthy and productive work culture? It is one where every employee […]

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The Issues Around The Phrase Work/Life Balance &Raquo; Untitled Design

The Issues around the Phrase Work/Life Balance

The Issues around the Phrase Work/Life Balance By: Robin Hills One of the most impactful insights that I have had is how damaging the phrase “work/life balance” is.  Misconceptions around work/life balance can develop false beliefs about what is required of them and set high standards for themselves, which can result in feelings of disappointment […]

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Reasons retirement plans fall short of their goals:

There are several common reasons retirement plans may fall short of their goals: Insufficient savings. One of the most common reasons for retirement plans falling short is that people do not save enough money. This may be because of a lack of understanding of how much they need to save, or simply not having the […]

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Hey, Thanks! Or, The Power Of Gratitude In The Workplace &Raquo; File

Hey, Thanks! or, the Power of Gratitude in the Workplace

(Part 1 of a 5-part Series) At its core, gratitude is an excellent antidote for the isolation which has become such a problem for so many of us. While the COVID-19 pandemic put a painfully bright spotlight on the problems that are caused by isolation, the truth is most of us are more functionally isolated […]

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How To Simplify Your Business For Efficiency &Raquo; Screenshot2023 03 0211.39.56Am

How to Simplify Your Business for Efficiency

Source: Pixabay The best businesses are efficient businesses. The more efficient you can be, the more return on investment (ROI) you will make. If you are inefficient, you could be losing as much as a third of your overall income; this is clearly something that needs to be remedied. Over time what was once a […]

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3 Things To Look For When Choosing Almond Milk &Raquo; Blog Header Image 31

3 Things to Look For When Choosing Almond Milk

People like to think that they’re choosing a “healthier” option when they choose almond milk over cow’s milk. But a lot of the popular almond milk options are full of unnecessary ingredients that can actually lead to some not so great side effects. Originally Published on

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