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Fit Tip: Less is More & Strong is Sexy

A strong body is a healthy body, and an attractive one as well. There is nothing more appealing than the look of sleek, toned muscles in every stage of life. But even more important than the way a strong body looks is the way it feels. Strength feels healthy, confident, resilient, and youthful. However, we […]

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How One Sugar Addict Conquered Her Sugar Addiction

I would never have thought to talk about this subject until I shared in one of my emails my history with sugar and someone asked me how I conquered my sugar addiction. Thanks, Sheryl for the suggestion.My first thought is that I’m not a food professional, so how could I help? But sometimes it’s nice […]

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How long will you live, most people don’t know

 Most people don’t know how long the average 60-year-old will live in America. When given four responses, only 37% correctly identified the average longevity of men and women in a recent survey conducted by researchers from the George Washington University Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center and the TIAA Institute. Why is it important for clients […]

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Do Your Communications Encourage Your Audience To Act? &Raquo; Commitment To Learning 2 1

Do Your Communications Encourage Your Audience to Act?

Photo by Geralt via Pixabay Attract the Right Job Or Clientele: Do Your Communications Encourage Your Audience to Act? The sales philosophy is to make the selling process credible and communications simple, all to increase the desire to begin a new relationship and encourage a ‘Yes!’. But as Yogi Berra once said, ‘It isn’t over […]

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Exercising Our Brains With Senior Living Foresight &Raquo; 1F399

Exercising Our Brains with Senior Living Foresight

It was so lovely to chat with Rachel Hill of Senior Living Foresight on all things brain health in senior living. Learn about holistic brain health — and how to make your brain work up a sweat in our 30-minute conversation. We covered a few topics: How to support others in exploring careers in senior living? What’s the […]

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What If We Rethink How We Experience Rejection? &Raquo; Julienne In White Shirt

What If We Rethink How We Experience Rejection?

Here’s my question for the day – “What If We Rethink How We Experience Rejection?” I attended a writer’s conference years ago and signed up for a workshop titled “Addressing Writer’s Block.” The speaker was an established author who earned his living as a writer, so I thought he probably had some wisdom worth sharing. […]

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Courage In Healing &Raquo; Glen Alex Headshot C 2022

Courage in Healing

Learn how you can move toward your highest and best health today: Inexplicably, I’m having difficulty putting my thoughts about courage on paper. I usually get into a nice writing flow when it comes to topics I’m passionate about. Courage is one of them. Healing is another. Though not so easy this time. Is it […]

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People Are People, Too &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

People Are People, Too

Don’t look now, kids. But it just got okay to be real people. Yes! Psychology Today published an existentially affirming article entitled, “Quit Feeling Guilty About Not Being Present”. Think of it! This may be all the reassurance you need about the fact that, as a human being, you’re blessed with a memory and the […]

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We Need To Talk About Eq &Raquo; 1Vhfgh6F4Cgxz28Z8Vg1Esq

We need to talk about EQ

Is this conversation going well I wonder? This is a reprint of a classic blog that I wrote in September 2019 when I first started my company Shiageto Consulting. Enjoy! I’m sure there is a formal definition of EQ somewhere out there on the internet or in the vast chamber of some renowned centre of academia […]

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