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5 Things All Businesses Need To Do Yearly &Raquo; Screenshot2022 11 1012.13.04Pm

5 Things All Businesses Need To Do Yearly

As a business owner, it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind and lose sight of the bigger picture. But if you want your business to succeed in the long run, it’s important to take a step back and ensure you’re staying on top of the yearly basics. From updating your website to […]

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The Difference Between Forgiveness vs. Acceptance

The difference between forgiveness vs. acceptance. Should you forgive or accept people who have hurt you? When someone hurts you, it’s not unusual for you to feel hurt, angry, perhaps betrayed and even bitter toward that person.  Do you have a hard time forgiving people who have wronged you? Does giving mercy seem too easy […]

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If You Only Ask The Seniorscape™ &Raquo; File 1

If You Only Ask The SeniorScape™

Last night I had a conversation with Mark Victor Hansen who I briefly met last December. I met him at an event where the and his wife Crystal were presenting their book ASK. My immediate thought was that I’d love to have a conversation with Mark on my podcast SeniorsSTRAIGHTTalk. So many of us in […]

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Traditional Medicare or an Advantage Plan?

Medicare Advantage or traditional Medicare with supplemental insurance: which should you choose? A compelling reason so many 65-year-olds are flocking to Medicare Advantage insurance policies is that they tend to have significantly lower premiums than enrolling directly in traditional Medicare. Retirees are also inundated with advertisements on television, online and in the mail urging them […]

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How To Educate Your Employees On Phishing Emails &Raquo; Screenshot2022 11 106.17.07Am

How to Educate Your Employees on Phishing Emails

Almost every business will experience a phishing attack at some point. Therefore, it’s essential to be prepared and know how to educate your employees on phishing emails so that they can avoid becoming a victim. This blog post will discuss what phishing is, how to identify a phishing email, and the best ways to educate […]

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Seniors Choice: Medicare Supplement &Raquo; 4F0Cf98Dfb9C924A32611Dc0Cddc518F6Fec31C4

Seniors Choice: Medicare Supplement

Seniors Choice: Medicare Supplement Healthcare costs have been rising for decades, and when choosing Medicare supplement plan options, beneficiaries who are new to Medicare opt for lower-cost plans. If you are 65 years and above, this article will help you decide which Medicare Supplement insurance to choose. What are Medicare supplement plans? Medicare supplement plans […]

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Violencia Doméstica: Cómo Ayudar Y Apoyar &Raquo; Sonia Frontera Attorney

Violencia Doméstica: Cómo Ayudar y Apoyar

¿Será Violencia Doméstica o lo Estás Imaginando? ¿Piensas o sospechas que alguien que conoces es una víctima de violencia doméstica y no sabes qué hacer? En este post aprenderás a detectar las señales y a proporcionarle a tu ser querido la ayuda que necesita para protegerse contra una relación que le hace daño o pone […]

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Aging Parents And The Truth About Their Longevity

Most of our aging parents are living on longer than they or we expected. It’s great that an elder is part of the family into one’s 80s, 90s and beyond, perhaps living to see grandchildren and great grandchildren. And then there’s the long goodbye and the caregiving that almost inevitably comes with long life. Medical […]

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Can Cannabis Help Manage Dementia-Related Agitation?

The concepts of cannabis use in our society are still confusing, as Federal law conflicts with state laws. The majority of states have legalized the use of cannabis for medical use. In recent elections, more are steadily legalizing it for recreational use as well. Federal law still classifies cannabis as a Schedule 1 drug, the […]

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5 Key Characteristics Of Highly Successful Businesses &Raquo; Screenshot2022 11 094.56.42Pm

5 Key Characteristics Of Highly Successful Businesses

Image Credit Anyone that launches a business does so with the expectation that their new venture becomes popular and highly profitable. However, the harsh reality is that many startups fail within their first 12 months of trading, and those that thrive do so under challenging conditions. It’s likely that you’re reading this blog post today […]

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