Monday - September 30th, 2024
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Wealthramp on Indy Now

With everything that is going on in today’s economy, you might be wondering if your finances are in a good place? But where do you go to get that advice? Over 90% of financial advisors in the US are not legally bound to act in your best interest, so who can you trust? When you […]

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Road Trip Tips And Solo Travel Advice &Raquo; Dsfgfrdg

Road Trip Tips and Solo Travel Advice

5/5 – (1 vote) Going on a road trip can be a thrilling experience, but it can also be unpredictable and stressful if you’re not well prepared. Personally I am very fond of road trips and solo traveling and that’s why I thought of sharing some smart advice for those who love these kinds of […]

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How Do You Add Years To Your Life?The Seniorscape™ &Raquo; File 2

How Do You Add Years to Your Life?The SeniorScape™

Last week I was lunching with a researcher who developed a well-known pharmaceutical for depression, anxiety and PTSD. Our conversation led to the way in which people care for themselves and the way in which food choices and lifestyle affect overall health and well-being. We talked about the underlying conditions that that are commonly associated […]

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Backyard Birding for Bucket List – Revisited

Recently, after the sun went down on a rainy, damp day here in Southern Oregon, there was a treat to be had when putting our garbage outside. An owl was hooting. Rare for us. While a nightly occurrence in our past Arizona life, we seldom hear them here; we agreed maybe less than once a […]

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May – Healthy Challenge

For this month’s challenge, we are suggesting that you, every day, find ways to show gratitude. What is the meaning of gratitude? GRATITUDE the state of being grateful: Thankfulness Let’s face it, we all go through ups and downs and some days are harder than others to practice gratitude. First, we’re going to list some […]

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Why Great Service Is A Trap That Will Ruin Your Business &Raquo; Why Great Service Is A Trap That Will Ruin Your Business 150X150 1

Why Great Service is a Trap That Will Ruin Your Business

It’s the age-old mantra: “Provide great service and customers will come.” But is that really true? In this article, we’ll explore why relying solely on great service is actually a trap that could lead to the downfall of your business. Here are 4 Reasons Why Great Service is a Trap That Will Ruin Your Business […]

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What’s Worse, Losing Or Giving Up? &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

What’s Worse, Losing or Giving Up?

I don’t know what we’re doing. I truly don’t. Illegal aliens are streaming across the southern border, accompanied by thugs, drugs, and bugs, of which the coronavirus is likely the least. We do nothing. And we couldn’t care less. Please don’t tell me it’s a humanitarian issue. It’s not. There’s nothing humanitarian or humane about […]

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Behind The Scenes: How Trucking Companies Find The Best Drivers &Raquo; 00Clhj1V K Axrgv

Behind the Scenes: How Trucking Companies Find the Best Drivers

The Future of Trucking Recruitment with Kameel Gaines, CEO of Rig On Wheels Brokerage & Recruitment Services. Photo by Zieben VH on Unsplash The trucking industry plays a crucial role in the transportation of goods across the United States, but it wouldn’t be possible without the efficient workforce of truck drivers. To keep up with the […]

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