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Posts Tagged With ‘ Doug Thorpe ’

Facing the Dragons: Why Leadership Starts with Confrontation, Not Control
January 10th, 2024
Facing The Dragons: Why Leadership Starts With Confrontation, Not Control &Raquo; Facing The Dragons 650X366 1

We, the captains of our professional and community ships, spend our days steering, navigating, and occasionally throwing out life preservers. We’re problem solvers, decision-makers, and cheerleaders, fueled by the noble ambition to make things better. But in the pursuit of progress, one crucial truth can get swallowed by the waves: you can’t fix what you won’t face. It’s tempting, isn’t it? To tiptoe around the storm clouds, hoping they’ll dissipate on their own. To smooth over cracks in the hull with a fresh coat of paint, ignoring the ominous groans from below. We fear the chaos,... Continue Reading

January 10th, 2024
Leading the Charge: Action vs. Reaction in Leadership Directives
January 4th, 2024
Leading The Charge: Action Vs. Reaction In Leadership Directives &Raquo; Action Vs Reaction 1 650X366 1

When it comes to being a great Leader, power of words can tip the scales between proactive dynamism and knee-jerk reactivity. A leader’s directives, those crucial pronouncements that guide and motivate, hold the potential to ignite transformative action or trigger a defensive scramble. Understanding the difference between these two outcomes is fundamental to fostering a team that thrives on initiative and ownership. Action-oriented directives are like lighthouses in a fog, illuminating the path forward and empowering immediate movement. They are characterized by: Clarity and focus: Precise... Continue Reading

January 4th, 2024
Stepping Up, Stepping Out: Trust vs. Belief in Leadership
January 3rd, 2024
Stepping Up, Stepping Out: Trust Vs. Belief In Leadership &Raquo; Trust 650X366 1

Let’s face it, folks. Leading a team isn’t about holding all the answers; it’s about knowing who does. And that, my friends, takes an intricate dance between two key players: trust and belief. They might sound like two sides of the same coin, but their roles in your leadership tango are distinctly different. Trust is the bedrock. It’s the unwavering confidence in someone’s reliability, honesty, and competence. It’s handing over a critical task without flinching, knowing they’ll deliver. Trust is earned, not granted. It takes time, proof, and a good dose of vulnerability. Remember... Continue Reading

January 3rd, 2024
From Spark to Flame: Keeping Your Business Hot While It Scales
December 28th, 2023
From Spark To Flame: Keeping Your Business Hot While It Scales &Raquo; Keeping Your Business Hot While It

Overcoming Challenges as Your Business Scales As any entrepreneur knows, building momentum is exhilarating! But riding that wave of success isn’t without its challenges. Here are some of the biggest hurdles you might face and how to navigate them: 1. Scaling Without Sacrificing Quality: Stumbling block: Expanding too quickly can lead to operational inefficiencies, product/service inconsistencies, and compromised customer experience. Maximize opportunity: Implement robust systems and processes to manage growth. Invest in training and talent development to maintain quality standards. Prioritize... Continue Reading

December 28th, 2023
Selling (or Buying) a Business? Navigating the Maze of Business Brokerage
December 26th, 2023
Selling (Or Buying) A Business? Navigating The Maze Of Business Brokerage &Raquo; Selling Or Buying A Business

So, you’re at a crossroads. Maybe you’ve built a thriving business and are ready to cash in. Or perhaps you’re an entrepreneur hungry for your first bite of the apple. In either case, the world of business brokerage beckons, promising smooth sailing towards your destination. But is it all smooth seas and champagne wishes? Let’s dive into the pros and cons of navigating this sometimes choppy marketplace with a business broker at the helm. The Upsides of a Business Broker: Expertise and Experience: Brokers are like seasoned sailors, knowing the treacherous waters of mergers and acquisitions. They... Continue Reading

December 26th, 2023
Deck the Halls with Digital Baubles: How Christmas Has Gone From Hearth to Hashtag
December 25th, 2023
Deck The Halls With Digital Baubles: How Christmas Has Gone From Hearth To Hashtag &Raquo; 69689378 M Normal None 1 Scaled 1

The scent of pine needles dances on the crisp December air, carols jingle from unseen speakers, and twinkly lights paint the houses in a festive kaleidoscope. Christmas, that most magical time of year, is upon us once again. But beneath the glossy wrapping paper and the cheerful bustle, a quiet question stirs: has the way we celebrate this ancient holiday shifted dramatically in the modern age? For generations, Christmas was a tapestry woven from tradition. Families gathered around crackling fireplaces, carols sung in candlelit harmony, and stockings hung with eager anticipation. The focus was... Continue Reading

December 25th, 2023
Holiday Heartburn: When Festive Cheer Hits Emotional Turbulence
December 24th, 2023
Holiday Heartburn: When Festive Cheer Hits Emotional Turbulence &Raquo; Christmas

Ah, the holidays. Fairy lights twinkle, sugar plum fairies dance, and carols fill the air. Yet, beneath the shimmering veneer of joyous expectation, lurks an undeniable truth: the holidays can be an emotional rollercoaster, plunging us into unexpected valleys of sadness, anxiety, and even anger. Before you feel like Scrooge in a sea of Santas, know this: you’re not alone. Take Emily, her eyes sparkling as she decorates the tree, a familiar childhood carol on her lips. Suddenly, a memory surfaces – her grandmother, always the life of the party, now absent at the table. Joy crumbles into grief,... Continue Reading

December 24th, 2023
Unmasking the Saboteurs Within: Identifying and Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
December 19th, 2023
Unmasking The Saboteurs Within: Identifying And Overcoming Limiting Beliefs &Raquo; Limiting Beliefs

Have you ever dreamt of something big, a goal burning bright, only to have a little voice whisper, “Not for you,” snuffing out that flame before it could flicker? Chances are, you’ve encountered a limiting belief – a sneaky internal thought that acts as a mental roadblock, preventing us from reaching our full potential. What are these sneaky saboteurs? Limiting beliefs are essentially fixed and negative convictions we hold about ourselves, our abilities, or the world around us. They’re often formed in childhood, through experiences, societal messages, or self-deprecating comparisons.... Continue Reading

December 19th, 2023
Making Things Bigger Than They Really Are
December 18th, 2023
Making Things Bigger Than They Really Are &Raquo; Chicken Little 03 Facebook Cover Timeline Banner For Fb

<img width="650" height="240" src="https://i0.wp.com/dougthorpe.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/chicken-little-03-facebook-cover-timeline-banner-for-fb.jpg?fit=650%2C240&ssl=1" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="Chicken Little courtesy Disney Corp" style="margin-bottom: 10px" data-attachment-id="3432" data-permalink="https://dougthorpe.com/making-things-bigger-than-they-really-are/chicken-little-03-facebook-cover-timeline-banner-for-fb/" data-orig-file="https://i0.wp.com/dougthorpe.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/chicken-little-03-facebook-cover-timeline-banner-for-fb.jpg?fit=850%2C314&ssl=1"... Continue Reading

December 18th, 2023
Leadership Playlist Built by Experience
December 16th, 2023
Leadership Playlist Built By Experience &Raquo; 65350454 S

<img width="450" height="300" src="https://i0.wp.com/dougthorpe.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/65350454_s.jpg?fit=450%2C300&ssl=1" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="Great Play List" style="margin-bottom: 10px" data-attachment-id="3463" data-permalink="https://dougthorpe.com/leadership-playlist-tapestry/65350454_s/" data-orig-file="https://i0.wp.com/dougthorpe.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/65350454_s.jpg?fit=450%2C300&ssl=1" data-orig-size="450,300" data-comments-opened="1"... Continue Reading

December 16th, 2023