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Posts Tagged With ‘ Entrepreneurship ’

Are You Ready to Take a Chance?
April 22nd, 2024

As businesses across the globe begin to ponder their choices for reopening in a post-COVID-19 world, people will be faced with choices. While governmental restrictions dictate some of those choices, it appears all other choices will be left up to the owner/manager. Are you ready to take a chance? The choices will involve taking chances. How are you set for taking a chance? Here are just a few of the situations I am seeing among the businesses I serve.  Continue Reading

April 22nd, 2024
How to get teams to gel quickly — harsh lessons from holidays with loose connections that holds…
April 19th, 2024
How To Get Teams To Gel Quickly — Harsh Lessons From Holidays With Loose Connections That Holds… &Raquo; 1Xjoiq1Htp0Pg5Xczjglutq

How to get teams to gel quickly — harsh lessons from holidays with loose connections that holds the answer If only there was more love in teams and that everyone was more nice “There are 8 of us all nominally at the same level and we’re all senior but it is a total car crash. Nobody trusts each other and it’s led to so much sucking up to the boss, backstabbing, re-work and absolutely no decisions being made.” This is what a friend told me when I caught up with her for a long overdue lunch recently about her newish role in a prolific UK company. “As an expert in people dynamics,... Continue Reading

April 19th, 2024
Change and Progress, Are They Twins?
April 12th, 2024
Change And Progress, Are They Twins? &Raquo; Managing Change 650X366 1

In today’s complex business world, change is hard. Companies venturing through major culture shifts, mergers or other forms of change often struggle to make it to the end. The idea that people hate change is a phenomenon that is taught, coached and wrestled with in many ways, shapes, and forms. Regardless of your mindset about CHANGE, there is one vital aspect you should explore. PROGRESS is what you should be focused on. Change for the sake of change is meaningless. However, progress toward a new goal or achievement is more vital and more valuable to your organization. Dean Lindsay, America’s... Continue Reading

April 12th, 2024
Leaders: If you Confuse, You Lose
March 27th, 2024

There’s an old saying in the sales world. “The confused mind says NO.” Clearly that has big implications when trying to sell a product or service. A prospect who gets confused by your sales pitch will revert to a NO answer all the time. On the other hand, a clear, concise explanation of the thing you are trying to sell will help close the deal. The same is true of leadership responsibility. A confused mind says NO. If you confuse the people around you, the overall performance will be greatly reduced or even eliminated. An employee’s willingness to perform is centered on their ability... Continue Reading

March 27th, 2024
Cultivating Harmony: Growing vs. Building Company Culture
March 11th, 2024
Cultivating Harmony: Growing Vs. Building Company Culture &Raquo; Growing Vs. Building Company Culture 650X366 1

Company culture. It’s a buzzword thrown around in boardrooms and plastered across job postings. But what exactly is it, and how do you achieve it? There seems to be a common misconception: culture is something you build, a foundation laid from scratch. But a thriving company culture is more akin to a garden – something nurtured and encouraged to grow organically. This post dives into the difference between building and growing a company culture, exploring the benefits of the latter and offering tips for cultivating a positive and thriving work environment. Building vs. Growing: A Tale of Two... Continue Reading

March 11th, 2024
Losing business never gets easier — writing about it helps
March 3rd, 2024
Losing Business Never Gets Easier — Writing About It Helps &Raquo; 1Myyu Bq3Bv3Rnhnxtroccq

Me looking wistful just after I receive a response about an outstanding proposal I love running a start-up; it ticks so many boxes for me such as: the massive improvements to my quality of life, the levels of variety it affords me, the uplift in my independence, the healthy challenge to build something from nothing, the impact my company has on others and more. However, it has lots of downsides: loneliness in the early days, the amount I am stretched day-to-day, the constant challenge of cashflow and never being certain where the money will come from, the decision overload that goes with having... Continue Reading

March 3rd, 2024
Maximizing Your Return on Invested TIME
February 28th, 2024

Many years ago, a business coach and mentor I knew named Gerry Fusco introduced me to a phrase he invented. Return on invested time (ROIT). As business owners and leaders, we know about ROI, ROE, EBITDA, SDE, etc. But have you ever spent any waking hours measuring ROIT? We make plans, build budgets, measure KPIs, and do many other quantitative things to assess business performance yet we seldom ask about the time we spend and the return on THAT! However, time is the one thing that can be the most valuable commodity you manage. Or does time manage you? There are so many related questions to ask... Continue Reading

February 28th, 2024
Beyond the Big Stage: Crafting Your Leadership Legacy One Moment at a Time
February 9th, 2024
Beyond The Big Stage: Crafting Your Leadership Legacy One Moment At A Time &Raquo; Leading In The Moment 650X366 1

We often imagine leadership as a grand production. Spotlight moments, heroic decisions, and sweeping pronouncements come to mind. But what if the key to building a truly impactful reputation isn’t found in these blockbuster scenes? What if it lies in the quiet, seemingly insignificant interactions that fill our daily lives? The truth is, leadership isn’t a one-time performance; it’s an ongoing narrative woven from countless threads. Each conversation, each decision, each gesture contributes to the tapestry of how you’re perceived by those around you. These small moments, not the big events,... Continue Reading

February 9th, 2024
The Tyranny of Perfection: Why Striving for 100% Can Cost You More Than It’s Worth
February 3rd, 2024
The Tyranny Of Perfection: Why Striving For 100% Can Cost You More Than It’s Worth &Raquo; The Tyranny Of Perfection 650X366 1

In a world obsessed with hustle culture and #winning, the pressure to achieve perfection is omnipresent. We push ourselves to the limit, fueled by the belief that anything less than perfect is failure. But what if this relentless pursuit of flawlessness is actually holding us back? What if, in our quest for the unattainable 100%, we’re sacrificing the perfectly good 80% that could be more than enough? Consider the Cost The truth is, striving for perfection comes at a steep price. It leads to: Burnout and exhaustion: The constant pressure to be perfect takes a toll on our mental and physical... Continue Reading

February 3rd, 2024
The Humble Showoff: Mastering the Art of Leading with Knowledge (Without Being a Jerk)
January 30th, 2024
The Humble Showoff: Mastering The Art Of Leading With Knowledge (Without Being A Jerk) &Raquo; The Humble Showoff 650X366 1

In the grand theatre of leadership, there’s a delicate dance playing out on the main stage: the display of expertise. On one hand, we have the confident captains, radiating knowledge like beacons, guiding their teams through uncharted waters. On the other, lurk the know-it-alls, tripping over their own pronouncements, leaving trails of deflated egos and resentful whispers in their wake. The key, then, lies not in shunning expertise, but in mastering a crucial art form: leading with humility. Humility in leadership isn’t about shrinking your brilliance or dimming your light. It’s about harnessing... Continue Reading

January 30th, 2024