Sunday - September 29th, 2024
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Do You Want To Create A Successful Retail Store? &Raquo; Retail Shop

Do You Want To Create A Successful Retail Store?

Photo by Paulbr via Pixabay Attract the Right Job Or Clientele: Do You Want To Create A Successful Retail Store? Opening a successful retail store certainly isn’t easy, but with hard work and determination, know you can do it! Our collaborative blog offers a handy guide below, containing valuable tips and ideas that can help […]

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Remote Work Didn’t Recede with Pandemic

The remote work necessitated by COVID may be here to stay in five English-speaking countries from Australia to the United States. That’s the conclusion from a study of 250 million online job ads – nearly half of them in this country. The number of postings in January that offered remote work for one or more […]

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My letter to Grace seeking grace

 This is the letter I wrote to the 10-year-old girl, an aspiring writer, after she gave me the only copy of her 22-page handwritten book to review and I lost it.I had her father read it first. I thought there was a chance he’d hit me. Instead, he got choked up and shook my hand.I […]

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What Is The Employee Energy Crisis? &Raquo; Unsplash Image 4 Eetnac1S4

What Is The Employee Energy Crisis?

Photo via @sickhews Employee burnout has received a lot of attention recently as businesses all over the world have become aware of the drawbacks of overworked and overstressed staff. A more recent dilemma, which might be called an Employee Energy Crisis, has, nevertheless, surfaced. The energy crisis that workers are going through has many causes. […]

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Facing your fears 2

When you feel that fear, treat it as an opportunity and grasp onto it. By doing so, you’ll meet your goals and overcome anything.  I’m sure you’ve heard a variation of this phrase before. My 12-year-old grandson said this to his mum when he was talking about her fears about his avocation. He was reminding […]

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