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Working In Reality &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

Working in Reality

In 2008 — nearly 15 years ago — Joseph Epstein published an article called, “The Kindergarchy”. It begins like this: In America, we are currently living in a Kindergarchy, under rule by children. People who are raising, or have recently raised, or have even been around children a fair amount in recent years will, I […]

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Reducing the backfire effect in others and yourself

The backfire effect is a cognitive bias, meaning that you can use general debiasing techniques in order to counter it effectively. Such strategies include, for example, increasing people’s awareness of this bias, using simpler explanations, and changing the way you present information. This means that when you’re talking to people to change their stance on […]

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Human Intelligence And Brain Health – Are They Related? &Raquo; Boomerlogowebsite 1

Human Intelligence and Brain Health – Are They Related?

There are many different definitions of intelligence. A widely accepted general definition includes the ability of the brain to think, learn, understand, reason, perceive relationships and connections, comprehend ideas and concepts, make decisions, and solve problems. (Intelligence is interpreted very differently across cultures – especially in third world countries.) The key concepts listed above, however, […]

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6 Tips To Help Ensure That Your Business Stays Competitive &Raquo; Screenshot2023 03 194.32.17Pm

6 Tips To Help Ensure That Your Business Stays Competitive

Photo by fauxels Businesses, now more than ever, are competing on a global scale. It is essential that businesses remain agile and stay ahead of the competition in order to succeed. However, with rapid changes in technology and consumer trends, it can be difficult for a business to stay relevant and competitive. Here Are Some […]

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The Components Of Profitability &Raquo; File 59

The Components Of Profitability

It’s kind of strange how many business owners don’t recognize the parts that form the profitability of their company. Many think it’s just revenue minus expenses. Well, it is that equation but profitability is so much more. Your accounting team looks at your balance sheet, and your statement of cash flow to build out your […]

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How To Eliminate Unconscious Biases As A Manager &Raquo; Dan Coconate 1 1

How To Eliminate Unconscious Biases as a Manager

Attract the Right Job Or Clientele: How To Eliminate Unconscious Biases as a Manager Note: Dan Coconate provides our blog post, How To Eliminate Unconscious Biases as a Manager Dan Coconate is a local Chicagoland freelance writer who has been in the industry since graduating from college in 2019. He currently lives in the Chicagoland area, […]

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“The Great Egg Mystery”

By Jerry Zezima Why did the chicken cross the road? To lay an egg in my backyard. That’s the real answer to the age-old question. I know because the other side of the road is on my property, where a sneaky hen left her unhatched offspring and then, probably knowing that my wife, Sue, planned […]

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Why people experience the backfire effect

People experience the backfire effect because of the process that they go through when they encounter information that contradicts their pre-existing beliefs. Essentially, when a person encounters information which suggests that their current beliefs are wrong, they feel threatened, which causes them to generate a variety of negative emotions. This is especially likely when the […]

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Gratitude Even In Our Darkest Times &Raquo; 20230318 201646 0000

Gratitude even in our darkest times

We #work work for hours, days, and years, yet… it is the small things and memorable moments for which we live and by which we thrive. #share thoughts or pearls below 👇 in comments. As physicians, we study for years to obtain a coveted residency spot. We work and study our tails off during residency, […]

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Wheelchair Adaptive Clothing: A Comprehensive Guide &Raquo; Joe Bella3510 480X480

Wheelchair Adaptive Clothing: A Comprehensive Guide

Wheelchair adaptive clothing can be a great solution. Are you tired of struggling to find clothing that is comfortable and stylish while using a wheelchair? Look no further than adaptive apparel! Adaptive clothing is specially designed to cater to the unique needs of wheelchair users, making dressing a breeze. Traditional clothing options are often ill-suited, […]

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