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Posts Tagged With ‘ Seniors ’

The Ten Most Watched Children’s Shows in the 70’s
July 30th, 2023

During the 1970s, children in the United States spent a significant amount of time watching television. Here are ten top TV shows for children in… The post The Ten Most Watched Children’s Shows in the 70’s appeared first on Senior Subway Social Network. Originally Published on Continue Reading

July 30th, 2023
July 23, 2023: Vegan Chef, Lori Gibson, “Oh So Yum” Cookbook; Producer, Art Mendoza on Traveling Mexico; & More
July 23rd, 2023
July 23, 2023: Vegan Chef, Lori Gibson, “Oh So Yum” Cookbook; Producer, Art Mendoza On Traveling Mexico; &Amp; More &Raquo; Lori Gibson 300X225 1

Missed the show on livestream?  It was GREAT!  No worries, though, because you can hear the entire podcast right here!   And you can ALSO listen on Apple podcasts right HERE!  We were joined from Florida by vegan chef and author of the new vegan cookbook, Oh So Yum!  Inspiring Others to Explore the Many Flavors of Plant-Based Nutrition with Everyday Favorites and Weekend Fun Food, Lori Gibson.  Lori talked about eating a plant-based diet for nutrition and enjoyment, along with some tips for transitioning to a plant-based diet.   Chef, Lori GibsonOh So Yum Vegan Eats   Oh So Yum! .Lori’s... Continue Reading

July 23rd, 2023
Oh Poop! Did You Know That Poop Matters?
July 20th, 2023

Research has suggested a link between chronic constipation and cognitive decline[1][2][3]. One study found that chronic constipation was tied to worse cognitive abilities, even after… The post Oh Poop! Did You Know That Poop Matters? appeared first on Senior Subway Social Network. Originally Published on Continue Reading

July 20th, 2023
Deadly Heat And The Danger To Aging Parents With Memory Loss
July 18th, 2023

This is the hottest summer ever, news reports tell us. We stay inside, we use air conditioning, we hydrate well. But some aging parents who live alone or with only part time help at home are at particular risk. It’s not just that older people can’t regulate their body temperature as well as younger people. It’s that they can get confused and not realize danger during bad hot spells. Wandering Some families we work with at tell us that Mom or Dad tends to go outside and get lost once in awhile. We call it wandering in the healthcare field. Neighbors notice and bring them back... Continue Reading

Senior Subway Social Network Launches!
July 16th, 2023

Senior Subway is the first FUN Social Network for Generation X and Baby Boomers! Research shows that spending more time online and increasing social connections… The post Senior Subway Social Network Launches! appeared first on Senior Subway Social Network. Originally Published on Continue Reading

July 16th, 2023
Top Ten Bucket List Items
July 12th, 2023

Creating a bucket list is a great way to set goals and seek new experiences. Here are 10 top bucket list items, along with some… The post Top Ten Bucket List Items appeared first on Senior Subway Social Network. Originally Published on Continue Reading

July 12th, 2023
Spotting Fraudulent Medicare Billing—Worth Billions Every Year
June 21st, 2023

According to the Federal Trade Commission, Medicare fraud costs taxpayers $60 billion a year. Fraudsters get away with it because most of the time, no one is stopping them. Here’s a real case, in which I personally spotted the suspicious billing that immediately looked to me like fraud.  A family member we’ll call Tony had a stroke in 2013 and was significantly disabled by it, mainly losing the ability to read and to speak clearly. He can say things and you can generally get the idea but he can’t say specific nouns or names. He certainly can’t discuss feelings. I am in charge of his medical... Continue Reading

Will Artificial Intelligence Help Or Hurt Our Aging Parents?
June 7th, 2023

Artificial intelligence is advancing so rapidly, it can be hard to speculate about its effects on elders. What we can see is that applied to healthcare, it could be very positive. For older adults with multiple chronic conditions, there are different doctors with different perspectives, each a specialist in one thing. For anyone who has experienced what we call “fragmentation” in our healthcare system, you may see that the doctors don’t always communicate with one another. I can imagine a central database for each patient created immediately with AI, so that any physician could immediately... Continue Reading

Half a Century Young: The Rollicking Ride of Discovering Romance in Your Prime Years
June 6th, 2023

In a universe not too dissimilar from ours, there thrived a lively clan of individuals. They were not your run-of-the-mill folks; they were the trendy elders, the prime-timers who unearthed that the wellspring of affection doesn’t evaporate after 50. Instead, it surges forth with renewed energy and vitality. So, fasten your seatbelts, dear reader, as we embark on a 1,000-word whirlwind journey of affection, mirth, and existence after 50. Let’s kick things off by shattering a popular misconception: affection is not the sole privilege of the youthful and the restless. Oh no, it’s an all-access... Continue Reading

Downsizing with Dignity
June 3rd, 2023

How to Embrace the Empty Nest and Thrive in Your New Space As your children have grown up and moved out, leaving a quiet and often empty house in their wake, you might find yourself contemplating the practicality of the spacious family home. You are not alone in this thought. Downsizing is a common path many seniors take once they transition into the “empty nester” stage of life. This significant change, although initially daunting, can often be a journey of self-discovery, reinvention, and newfound freedom. Embrace the Change Adjusting to a smaller space after years of accommodating a large... Continue Reading