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State licensing for home care: What is it and why does it matter?
September 4th, 2023
State Licensing For Home Care: What Is It And Why Does It Matter? &Raquo; Lance Slatton 1024X752 1

In this article, we delve into the intricacies of state licensing for home care, exploring the disparities between licensed and nonlicensed providers to empower your informed decision-making. The post State licensing for home care: What is it and why does it matter? appeared first on McKnights Home Care.  Continue Reading

September 4th, 2023
If You Fight Change, You Are Sure To Lose
August 7th, 2023

You’ve undoubtedly heard the expression that “the one constant in this world is change”.  In his theory of the survival of the fittest, Charles Darwin stated that it’s not the strongest or most intelligent of the species that survives, it is the one that is most adaptable to change.  For example, we don’t see dinosaurs wandering the earth anymore, but we have “human dinosaurs” who acquire that nickname by clinging to old ways of doing things when there are now newer and better ways. The history of human progress has been marked by great changes in the ways that we produce... Continue Reading

Why Do Kids Struggle in School? Understanding the Challenges and Finding Solutions
August 4th, 2023
Why Do Kids Struggle In School? Understanding The Challenges And Finding Solutions &Raquo; Marc Joseph

Introduction As parents and educators, we often find ourselves wondering, “Why do kids struggle in school?” This question has been a topic of concern and discussion for generations. Every child is unique, and their struggles in the academic environment can stem from various factors. But a factor that has affected most kids today is the untimely pandemic that kept them out of school. According to the recent release of the Nation’s Report Card the average score of 13-year-olds in the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), declined 4 points in reading and 9 points in math comparing... Continue Reading

August 4th, 2023
The current state of the caregiver crisis
August 1st, 2023
The Current State Of The Caregiver Crisis &Raquo; Lance Slatton 1024X752 1

As caregiving providers and stakeholders, we are well aware of the increasing challenges we face due to the ongoing caregiver crisis. Following the pandemic, we’ve witnessed a sharp increase in terms of the need for care and a decrease in the number of caregivers available. Whether that be due to financial strain, a struggling economy, or otherwise, one thing is for sure: the crisis isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. The post The current state of the caregiver crisis appeared first on McKnights Home Care.  Continue Reading

Have A Nice Day…Whether You Want To Or Not
July 24th, 2023

My wife and I became apartment dwellers eight years ago, and we were fortunate to move into a building where most of the people are friendly, greet you when you enter the elevator, and wish you well when you exit.  We have become good friends with a number of the hundreds of people who live here.  Occasionally, however, I may be riding the elevator with one or two other people who don’t make eye contact and don’t even acknowledge my wish for them to have a good rest of the day when one of us reaches our destination floor and exits the elevator.  Being particularly courageous,... Continue Reading

Don’t Let Structure Stifle Creativity
July 17th, 2023

One of the best ways to be productive is to have structure in your life.  Productive people generally have schedules with non-negotiable times to accomplish certain tasks.  They may attack their most undesirable tasks early so that they are out of the way; they have certain times for checking emails rather than being distracted by every ping; and they have times in their schedules for eating, sleeping, and also for having fun. It is sometimes assumed that structure and creativity can’t co-exist.  That’s really a myth that’s believed by some highly structured people as well... Continue Reading

What’s Happening With BoomerTECH Adventures & How it Can Help You
July 16th, 2023
What’s Happening With Boomertech Adventures &Amp; How It Can Help You &Raquo; Boomertech Banner Feat

Yesterday at breakfast in a small cafe in Eastport, ME (the easternmost city in the continental U.S.) a gentleman at an adjacent table was fidgeting with his new smartphone while his tablemates were giving him all sorts of suggestions on how to make it work. Not wanting to intrude on their conversation but wanting to offer some help, I suggested that he watch a YouTube tutorial on his computer and learn how to use his new phone from the tutorial. If his new phone was an iPhone I would have suggested a number of resources that BoomerTECH Adventures have made for our friends and clients with a focus... Continue Reading

Why Are Kids Reading Less?
July 10th, 2023
Why Are Kids Reading Less? &Raquo; Marc Joseph

According to UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund), only a third of 10-year-olds globally are able to read and understand a simple written story, which means that 64% are unable to cover the minimum proficiency in reading comprehension. This is up from 52% pre-pandemic. Obviously not going to school during the pandemic interfered with the student’s reading fluency which is fundamental for academic development because the reading you learn in second and third grade is crucial as students read to learn about other subjects as they make their way into later grades. Reading plays a... Continue Reading

July 10th, 2023
Keep Yourself Hydrated
July 10th, 2023

It seems silly, or at least unnecessary, to post a blog reminding people to drink water – something that we’ve been doing all of our lives.  Yet, almost every day people wind up in hospital emergency rooms with cases of dizziness, fainting, muscle fatigue, confusion and other symptoms of reduced cognitive functioning because of dehydration.  In extreme cases, it can cause organ failure and death.  The problem is especially acute during the summer – when we sweat more, especially if we are physically active.  But it doesn’t have to be that way if we pay attention to staying... Continue Reading

Relationships and Longevity
July 3rd, 2023

The Harvard Study of Adult Development is 85 years old.  It is probably the longest study of human development in history.  During the few decades that I’ve been following its updates, the study consistently leads to the conclusion that there is one factor that leads to greater happiness, health, and longevity.  That factor is the quality of our relationships.  It is a better predictor than genetic, educational, career achievement, and financial factors.  That should be encouraging news to everybody, because good friendships are accessible to everyone – regardless of family... Continue Reading