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June 28th, 2024

Flakey Bakey Artists

Why do so many people think artists are ‘flakey bakey’? In this video, we explore the common perception of artists as unreliable and disorganized when it comes to time and commitments. We’ll delve into the unique traits and working styles of artists that contribute to this stereotype and discuss whether it’s a fair assessment or just a myth. Join us as we uncover the reality behind the ‘flakey bakey’ artist persona!
#FlakeyBakeyArtists #ArtistLife #CreativeStereotypes

Matthew Gray Matthew Gray is 50 Tastes Of Gray

I've led an uncommonly delicious and colorful life. Traveled with the Eagles, Pink Floyd and Fleetwood Mac. Lifelong chef and radio guy.

Creator/Founder of Hawaii Food Tours.

What can I fix you to eat, my friend?

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