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June 28th, 2024

The Easiest Way To Fall Asleep

Struggling with insomnia? I’ve got the perfect solution! In this video, I humorously share why listening to my show, ’50 Tastes Of Gray,’ is the easiest way to fall asleep. Join me for a light-hearted take on how my soothing voice and content can be your ultimate sleep aid. Warning: Side effects may include uncontrollable yawning and deep, restful sleep!
#FallAsleepFast #50TastesOfGray #sleepaid @50tastesofgray

Matthew Gray Matthew Gray is 50 Tastes Of Gray

I've led an uncommonly delicious and colorful life. Traveled with the Eagles, Pink Floyd and Fleetwood Mac. Lifelong chef and radio guy.

Creator/Founder of Hawaii Food Tours.

What can I fix you to eat, my friend?

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