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77. Paul Aryeh – Discovering Self-Love and Empowerment Through Meditation

  1. 77. Paul Aryeh - Discovering Self-Love and Empowerment Through Meditation Lisa Tickel 1:01:46

In this transformative episode of Healing and Growing Hand in Hand, we welcome Paul Aryeh, a master healer, meditation coach, and personal empowerment teacher. With over 25 years of experience, Paul shares his journey from searching for spiritual truth to becoming a dedicated healer, trained in India under the guidance of the great saint Sri Kaleshwar.

About Paul Aryeh: Paul Aryeh is a Meditation Teacher, Empowerment Coach, and Master Healer with over 35 years of experience. He spent 14 years in India, training under the late saint Sri Kaleshwar. Paul has been instrumental in guiding individuals to unlock their supernatural potential and achieve personal growth and healing. He established his international Meditation & Healing Center in Los Angeles in 2013, where he continues to broadcast to clients and students worldwide.

In This Episode:

– Paul’s Spiritual Journey: Paul recounts his spiritual journey, which began with a trip to India in 1998. He describes his intense training and learning under Sri Kaleshwar, focusing on personal spiritual transformation and healing.

– Understanding Covert Narcissistic Mothers and Generational Trauma: The episode delves into how covert narcissistic mothers can impact generational trauma. Paul explains how recognizing and deconstructing these traumas can lead to profound healing and self-love.

– The Power of Meditation and Love: Paul discusses the importance of meditation in healing emotional wounds and accessing higher cosmic vibrational frequencies. He emphasizes that love is the ultimate healing weapon, both for self and others.

– Healing Techniques and Tools: Learn about various healing techniques Paul uses, including the significance of breathwork, the power of nature, and the healing elements of fire and water. Paul shares practical tools and exercises to help listeners release negative emotions and regain their vitality.

– Connecting with Nature for Healing: Paul highlights the healing power of nature and how connecting with natural elements can help release toxins and restore balance. He encourages incorporating nature walks and sun exposure into daily routines for holistic healing.

– Overcoming Fear and Unworthiness: The episode explores how fear and unworthiness can hinder personal growth. Paul provides insights into recognizing and releasing these negative vibrations to empower the soul and enhance one’s capacity for love and self-acceptance.

– The Role of Forgiveness in Healing: Paul explains the crucial role of forgiveness in the healing process. He shares how releasing resentment and bitterness can transform negative energy and facilitate spiritual growth.

– Meditation Tips for Beginners: For those new to meditation, Paul offers practical advice on how to start with simple practices. He suggests beginning with short meditation sessions and gradually building up, emphasizing the importance of consistency and patience.

Connect with Paul:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paularyeh/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paul.aryeh

Website: https://www.paularyeh.com/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPLoKYdL9T5FK_6Lr1KZY2g?view_as=subscriber

Email: paul@paularye.com

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Keywords: Paul Aryeh, meditation coach, master healer, personal empowerment teacher, generational trauma, covert narcissistic mothers, spiritual healing, meditation techniques, self-love, forgiveness, fear, unworthiness, nature healing, vibrational energy, holistic health, emotional release, mental wellness, personal growth, healing journey, empowerment strategies.

Lisa Tickel Podcast Host, Healing & Growing, Hand in Hand
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