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Posts Tagged With ‘ self-awareness ’

How to Determine if Risks Are Worth Taking
April 29th, 2024
How To Determine If Risks Are Worth Taking &Raquo; Stockvault At A Crossroads Decisions And Choices Concept With Large Arrow Signs179872 300X203 1

You take risks regularly, from backing your car into the street to trying a new restaurant. You only hesitate when your fear of the unknown leads you to focus on the worst that could happen. I’ve had many coaching conversations start with, “I need to make a decision.” Yet after describing the options, it’s clear my clients want to take a risk but their speculative fear of loss or their guilt around how others might react freezes their brains. I often ask, “A year from now, what will you most regret not doing?” They always know the answer. The coaching then focuses on the clarifying... Continue Reading

April 29th, 2024
3 Questions to Balance Hope with Reality
December 25th, 2023
3 Questions To Balance Hope With Reality &Raquo; 5X7 Marciar 6105 002

Hope can be a destructive emotion – when should you replace it with something more powerful? Most books on ending toxic relationships or leaving dead-end situations talk about the dark side of hope. Letting go of a dream or desire requires you relinquish hope. When you give up hoping, you can move on. With hope, you might seek and even manufacture evidence that there will be a happy ever after. Hope can blind you to harm and sabotage. I had a friend who lost everything in a divorce because she kept hoping her husband would forgive her and be kind. It didn’t happen. There is also positive power... Continue Reading

December 25th, 2023
The Most Powerful Way to Sincerely Connect With Others
October 23rd, 2023
The Most Powerful Way To Sincerely Connect With Others &Raquo; Depositphotos 343577050 L 300X300 1

Sangoiri/Depositphotos Humans are social animals; we long to connect with others which is why the social disconnections during the pandemic negatively affected so many people emotionally and mentally. The irony is that what makes us human tends to keep us apart. By nature, our conversations are filled with misunderstandings, mixed feelings, and unmet expectations. At the core of our disconnection is our illusion that we believe we know what is real. We don’t like it when others challenge what we believe is true. How your brain sabotages your attempts to connect To survive, your brain is constantly... Continue Reading

October 23rd, 2023
5 Ways Emotional Intelligence Can Help You to Succeed
October 5th, 2023
5 Ways Emotional Intelligence Can Help You To Succeed &Raquo; Logo The Accountability Coach

Emotions are strong contenders in how we live our lives. They are an inward feeling and an outward reflection of how activities affect us. When working towards achieving your business goals, you are mostly told that having the willpower and determination to achieve these goals can improve your performance and set you on the path… Read More The post 5 Ways Emotional Intelligence Can Help You to Succeed appeared first on The Accountability Coach. Originally Published on https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/ Continue Reading

October 5th, 2023
Who Shaped Your Identity?
September 6th, 2023
Who Shaped Your Identity? &Raquo; Bubby 294X300 1

I recently saw the movie Golda. There was a scene where Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir was describing her family’s flight from the Ukraine when she was a child. She recalled watching her father boarding up the front door after hearing the Russians were executing Jews in the streets. Golda later noted that this experience, and then political conversations in high school in the US were significant to her enduring identity. She said she integrated these moments “…to the extent that my own future convictions were shaped and given form.” I gasped when she described the fear in her father’s... Continue Reading

September 6th, 2023
What Toilet Paper Reminded Me About Self-Awareness
August 9th, 2023
What Toilet Paper Reminded Me About Self-Awareness &Raquo; Shutterstock 93599068 300X200 1

I grab a quick restroom break before my last presentation and am at the sink washing my hands. Turning the water on, I notice a toilet paper strip lying under the sink. As I step away to dry my hands, the toilet paper is stuck to the bottom of my shoe. Kicking my foot and sliding it against the floor, I focus on grabbing the towels to dry my hands.  As I approach the door, something still doesn’t feel right. Glancing down, I see the toilet paper stuck to my other shoe. The last thing I need is to walk out in front of this audience with toilet paper stringing behind me. Ha! After disposing of... Continue Reading

August 9th, 2023
Is It Too Late? An Old Dog, A New Vision, and Powerful Purpose.
April 20th, 2023

Recently I read a statement by a prominent business coach that “coaching saves lives.” Part of my brain said, “yea, we do,” but another part said, “Well, that’s a nice attention-grabbing toss-away line intended to grab attention, clicks, and likes.” He said, “More marriages break up over the lack of money than for lack of love. Business failures lead to personal ruin, destruction, addiction, depression, anxiety, suicides, and, unfortunately, far more. As good business coaches, we save marriages, families, and kids from self-destruction. We save lives!” Sobering observations and... Continue Reading

April 20th, 2023
A Fly in This Introvert’s Ointment
March 25th, 2023

Just as I was adjusting to losing a job, its income, and benefits (see last week’s email if you missed that bit of excitement), this happened. First, let me be clear; I am fortunate. I’m not out on the streets or sleeping on friends’ sofas (done that before). My gratitude for all I have is sky-high, and in the broadest sense, I know I will survive this challenge. But sitting at my desk, three days post-firing, reviewing and replying to job postings, I was unprepared for this. Here’s some backstory. When Covid lockdowns occurred, many of my friends joked that I no longer needed to come up... Continue Reading

March 25th, 2023
Weebles Wobble & Sometimes Life Sucks
March 17th, 2023

As I work to grow my private coaching practice, my position as a Business Success and Strategy Coach for an international online marketing agency has filled an important role. Steady income, a benefits package, and camaraderie with some brilliant people make this an essential part of my life. Last Wednesday was my monthly one-on-one with my team leader, a guy I greatly admire and have learned a lot from. As the Zoom screen opened, I knew something was up. Joining Dave was Julia, the firm’s COO. It took just a few seconds for Julia’s presence to be explained. “Today would be my last day…”... Continue Reading

March 17th, 2023
Forgiveness; Not What I Had Planned
March 1st, 2023

It should have been a simple event. There should have been no stress, just relaxed fun with a group I enjoy spending time with. On deck was a small (35-40 person) supper staffed by a seasoned group of volunteers. Planning meetings were perfunctory; supply lists were drawn up, assignments were selected, and with one week out, everything was on track. I arrive on schedule on the event day, expecting the kitchen to be in full swing with meal prep. Instead, I realized that my right-hand person (the one writing up the lists of assignments during our planning session) had utterly dropped the ball. We... Continue Reading

March 1st, 2023