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Posts Tagged With ‘ longevity ’

Live Longer, Better: Expert MD Weighs In On How
November 15th, 2023

Dr. Peter Attia, MD, has written an excellent book on how to keep ourselves from getting common chronic illnesses with aging. It’s Outlive: The Science & Art of Longevity, which offers a clear strategy to avoid these illnesses. He refers to those which kill the majority of Americans as the Four Horsemen. They are heart disease, cancer, neurogenerative disease, and type 2 diabetes (and related metabolic dysfunction). He encourages the use of proactive tactics to keep us living well and longer in good health. It is not new to hear from a qualified medical expert that we need to prevent chronic... Continue Reading

Some things National – like Pizza Day and Love your Heart
February 9th, 2023
Some Things National – Like Pizza Day And Love Your Heart &Raquo; Giphy Slouch To Strongman

Yes, I have been missing in action since late 2022. Oh, that my time away was spent on some enchanted island. Yet I have been head down and tail up finalizing my manuscript for Strong to Save.  This second non-fiction work is a fitness primer that implores Gen X to die harder and later…   You see, resistance (aka weight) training is a superlative down-aging and life-enhancing exercise. Period. A conceptual front cover for Strong to Save: Your Gen X imperative to die harder and later is shared to get your sarcomeres flexing. Now, it is about time to chat about Pizza and National Heart Month,... Continue Reading

February 9th, 2023
How Eager are Employers to Hire Boomers?
October 11th, 2022

Older Americans’ share of the labor force has doubled since the early 1990s, and they constitute roughly one in four workers today. But their dominance is mainly an artifact of the baby boomers’ demographic bulge moving through the labor force and says little about how employers view the growing ranks of aging workers. Employers’ willingness to hire or retain older workers, especially when someone younger is available, is an important issue for a couple related reasons. Boomers are under increasing pressure to work as long as possible to improve their finances before retiring. It’s also... Continue Reading

October 11th, 2022