Wiser Tomorrow brings experts from across disciplines to speak on topics and ideas that shape the world. From ancient history to the cutting edge of science and technology, our aim is to inform and educate as much as entertain.
A conversation with Andy Chan of Books to Prisoners, sponsored by Evincer:https://evincer.org/?link=wiserBooks to Prisoners - https://www.bookstoprisoners.net/To Make a Donation -...
Evincer.org - https://evincer.org/ @modernday_eratosthenes is a STEM communicator teaching people of all ages to better understand science, and appreciate recent breakthroughs in the world of...
Harris Sultan is an ex-Muslim atheist activist and author of the book The Curse of God: Why I Left Islam. Harris has been at the forefront of atheist activism in Pakistan and now in the West, using...
Max Miller is the creator and host of Tasting History with Max Miller. On Tasting History, Max recreates recipes from around the world and across time, sharing the story behind these dishes and...
Dr. Amber Wise is a cannabis scientist and scientific director at Medicine Creek Analytics. Amber has a background in chemistry, receiving her Ph.D. from UC Berkeley and serving as a professor at...
Dr. Eli Kraisler is a theoretical physicist specializing in Density-Functional Theory (DFT), and leads his own research group at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem's Fritz Haber Center for...
Today I'm speaking with @jREG - YouTuber, satirist, social commentator, and artist. jREG is infamous for his impenetrably ironic and hilarious social & political commentary told through...
David Hoffman is an award-winning filmmaker, entrepreneur, and online content creator who has documented the ordinary to the extraordinary from as early as the 1960s. From his Emmy Award winning...
Today I’ll be speaking with Dr. Michael Middlebrooks, Associate Professor of Biology at the University of Tampa. Michael is a marine ecologist and invertebrate zoologist, with an infectious...
Dr. Vaibhav Pai is a Senior Research Scientist with the Allen Discovery Center at Tufts University. The Allen Discovery Center investigates the reading and writing of the Morphogenetic Code - how...
Today I'm speaking with Dr. Jared Henderson, philosopher, YouTuber, and co-host of "The Classical Mind" podcast. Jared received his PhD in philosophy, specializing in the philosophy of language...
Dr. Josh Bongard is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Vermont, and director of the Morphology, Evolution & Cognition Laboratory. His groundbreaking work is centered around using AI...
Justin Cottle is the lab director and a lead content creator for “The Institute of Human Anatomy” (IOHA). The IOHA is a private cadaver lab that, as they say, aims to teach as many people as...
Today I’m speaking with Corey Gil-Shuster from “The Ask Project”, otherwise known as the “Ask an Israeli” / “Ask a Palestinian Project". Corey asks viewer submitted questions to people...
Today I’m introducing a new narrative series covering a wide range of topics, from the history of science, to recent archeological discoveries. This won’t be replacing my regular conversations,...
Today I’m speaking with Dr. Jim Pfaus, Professor of Neuroscience at Charles University in Prague, and the Research Director of the Center for Sexual Health and Intervention at the Czech National...
Today I’m here with Fraser Cain of the Fraser Cain YouTube channel, Universe Today, and Astronomy Cast. Across his work, Fraser offers space and astronomy news, covering everything from the big...
Today I’m speaking with Morne from Mamlambo Fossils. Morne is a fossil hunter living on the South Island of New Zealand, searching for Miocene and Cretaceous era fossils, and preparing them for...
Today I'm speaking with Natasha from @NatashasAdventures . Natasha makes videos about Russian life and culture, including her experience as a Russian who left the country following the war in...
Today I’m honored to be speaking with Jordan Harbinger, host of the Jordan Harbinger Show. Promoting lifelong learning, Jordan interviews some of the world’s most fascinating and accomplished...