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October 26th, 2023

Nick Holekamp, Vice President and Chief Medical Officer at Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital

  1. Nick Holekamp, Vice President and Chief Medical Officer at Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital Moyez Jiwa 35:36

Nick Holekamp, MD, is the vice president and chief medical officer at Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital. He joined in 2000, and for nearly two decades, he’s helped more than 2,000 children and their families transition from a traditional hospital to home after Chronic Illness or injuries.

Under Dr. Holekamp’s leadership, Ranken Jordan transitioned from a 26-bed pediatric nursing home into a 60-bed, advanced pediatric specialty hospital that is regionally recognized as a center of excellence for the care of children with medical complexities. In 2018, he oversaw a $35-million expansion that nearly doubled the hospital’s capacity, and he continues to lead initiatives that ensure a collaborative, high-quality, patient-centered care environment.

He is the chief advocate for carrying out the vision of the hospital’s founder, Mary Ranken Jordan, which was to care for kids beyond the bedside. Dr. Holekamp gives kids their best chance for recovery through Care Beyond the Bedside, the hospital’s care philosophy that melds traditional health care with playful therapies that allows for routine child development, effective rehabilitation, and social re-integration so kids and their families can prepare for successful outcomes at home. His work has helped mold Ranken Jordan into a facility that parents describe as a “seamless, yet critical transition” for their child and that is held in high esteem by medical professionals across the healthcare continuum.

In 2017, Dr. Holekamp co-authored “The Effect of a Comprehensive Care Transition Model on Cost and Utilization for Medically Complex Children with Cerebral Palsy, a research paper published in the Journal of Pediatric Health Care.

In October, 2018, Dr. Holekamp presented his findings at the annual meeting of the Pediatric Complex Care Association in a talk titled, “An Innovative Model of Transitional Care for Medically Complex Children.”
Dr. Holekamp earned a degree in biology from Dartmouth College before graduating from Saint Louis University School of Medicine in 1987. He completed his residency in pediatric and adolescent medicine at Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center. Prior to joining Ranken Jordan, he was a pediatric hospitalist at St. John’s Mercy Medical Center in St. Louis.

Website: www.rankenjordan.org

Moyez Jiwa is a general practitioner, journal editor and podcast host. Professor Jiwa leads a medical school based in Melbourne, Australia. He authored the book The Art of Doctoring. He believes that healthcare can improve by focusing on the quality of the meeting between health care professional and patient. This would forge a truly meaningful partnership between doctor and patient as co-pilot in care. It would also reduce rates of burnout among doctors and future proof healthcare in a world where the population is ageing and more likely to be living with more complex health care conditions.

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