Well, hello after quite some time!
First and foremost, I had to step back a bit from social media and blogging due to illness. My old friend and nemesis Influenza A hit the house, followed by a family emergency. Quite frankly, it’s been this way since Thanksgiving 2023. Though such is life, it’s been great and a breath of fresh air to literally breathe the fresh air with a strong hint of Kansas wind.
Over the last month it has been chaotic, but in that chaos I have found peace and beautiful moments.
Highlight: No one died, which was truly a blessing.
Health trumps wealth. We tell patients to prioritize Sleep, nutrition, Exercise, socialization. Decrease Stress. Yet, how much do we as physicians do this ourselves?
I know I have lacked in an area or two. It’s being a busy and working human with multiple hats.
It doesn’t have to be perfect.
Acknowledge where you are, what you’d like to change.
It is in our health that is the true wealth. As Dr. Weisman mentioned in her interview, you just do the best you can.
We take nothing with us when we die but leave behind so much. Potentially, a financial Legacy may be part of that. I know I would like to help my kids in more ways than what I had. Having mentioned that, I also want to teach them to think critically, to love, to enjoy life, to find pleasure in the small things. To say yes to the above, I say no to other things, including longer work hours.
1% change daily, over a year, is a massive improvement from 365 days prior.
Originally Published on https://www.theworthyphysician.com/blog