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Bloggers scrutinize aging, politics, and Halloween

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Getting older in America is a challenge many ways. And, it seems that the older I get, the more ageism I face, especially from the medical community.

My blogger friends are thinking and writing about Aging, too. Here are their thoughts on the topic:


Aging is no territory for sissies. The senior years can be challenging. So when Carol Cassara of Carol A. Cassara Writer found herself unusually blue, she decided to unpack what’s going on with a therapist. She’s sharing it on her blog this week in “Why I Looked for a Therapist.”

When Tom Sightings of Sightings Over Sixty gets confused about life or questions what’s happening in the world, he goes back to the writers and philosophers who guided him in earlier in life. He offers a few quotes about aging from people who he says are smarter than he is including Oscar Wilde, Golda Meir, Mark Twain, Albert Einstein, George Bernard Shaw, and others.

Deane Tolley of On the Border reports that when she and her husby started having problems with their memory, a friend suggested writing notes would help. When husby got up to get some ice cream when they were watching the telly, she ask for some, too, with husby saying he didn’t need to write it down. Take a look at “Ice … Creamed” to see what he brought …

The month of October is designated Menopause Month by the World Health Organization and the International Menopause Society. Rebecca Olkowski, with, interviewed Donna Klassen, one of the founders of the website “Let’s Talk Menopause.” It will be launching a new podcast on Nov. 1 called “Hello Menopause,” which Olkowski says will be informative and fun.

One of our bloggers just wants to get away from the craziness of the midterm election and the relentless barrage of election ads and information from social media and other people. Here are her thoughts:


Meryl Baer of Beach Boomer Bulletin needed a break from the constant barrage of political craziness currently inundating the country, if only for a few hours. Baer spent a day at a wildlife refuge relishing the sanity of mother nature.

Then, there’s the spooky holiday that comes up every fall. One of our bloggers had strange trouble with her car:


Yes, cars can be spooky. At least Laurie Stone of Musings, Rants & Scribbles’ car was, parked in her garage one strange, blustery October night. This time of year, it’s easy to picture witches and goblins flying by the window or tapping you on the shoulder, but being unnerved by your automobile?

This is the Best of Boomer Blogs #785. Be sure to read these great articles from our blogging group. And, be sure to leave a comment. Our bloggers love to hear from readers.

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Rita Robison Consumer & Personal Finance Journalist

For more than two decades, Rita R. Robison has been a consumer and personal finance journalist making her living by finding the best bargains, calling out the crooks, and advocating for regular people just like you and me. In that time, Robison has talked to so many people who feel like their money just isn’t getting them what they want, where they want to be, or the life they thought it would.

The purpose of her blog is to help you get what you want from your money. Robison covers financial goals, budgets, debt reduction, saving, smart choices for buying goods and services, and retirement planning. You’ll also find articles on safety, such as avoiding scams, looking out for rip off companies, and getting informed on the latest recalls.


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