I want to live my life feeling weak and sluggish, with flabby muscles and a distended abdomen, with no endurance (to be unable to run 3k even if it meant saving my own life or someone else’s).
My life goal is to suffer from poor nutrition and digestion, and Sleep just as poorly…to move as little as possible…to “take it easy” when I could be moving. I plan on making as many excuses as possible to support my lack of mobility and wellness as I age.
But, most of all, my deepest desire is to shut you down or shut you up, when you start talking trash about my sedentary Lifestyle.
And, at the end of my day, I want to feel like a total failure and maintain this mindset until the end of my days!
I’m determined to be a superb example of what NOT to be for the people I love.
You’re not a slug, so why would you choose to act like one?
The human body is designed to move. This design doesn’t change as we age. It’s natural and life works best when we agree with Mother Nature.
This is why it’s important to find and stay in the company of movers and shakers.
Aging is inevitable. Old is optional. This is the motto of folks like us.
That’s how we’ll recognize you as folks like us…by what we do and say.
You see, we know, deep inside, that it takes one to know one.
Who, in their right mind, would deliberately set out to be a slug imitator for their family?
Who would deliberately choose to act in a manner that degrades their quality of life, defeats any joy they find in living, and successfully argues for their limitations?
Who wants to be the one who refuses to rise from their easy chair and rise to the occasion?
Originally Published on https://akasha111blog.wordpress.com/