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Want To Be A Great Salesperson? Do This! &Raquo; Download 4

Want to be a great Salesperson? Do This!

In my last post I talked about the importance of writing, this time I am going to talk about a vastly underutilized technique to be a great salesperson. Interviewing. No, not that interviewing, the one where you ask the questions! Know who this guy is?  You probably don’t, but you sure the hell know his […]

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The Importance Of Writing &Raquo; Mypicrev

The Importance of Writing

Why Writing is Crucial for Salespeople There are so many hacks and frameworks and “tips & tricks” for salespeople, sometimes the obvious gets overlooked. In today’s digitally-driven world, writing is an indispensable skill for salespeople. It is not just about pitching a product or service; it’s about crafting compelling messages that resonate with potential customers […]

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The Nagging Of “Shoulds” &Raquo; 2318

The Nagging of “Shoulds”

Have you ever found yourself caught in the relentless grip of self-criticism? That nagging voice in your head constantly shouting words of doubt and discouragement. You’re not alone. Maybe you’ve asked yourself, “What if I had..” It’s a question many of us grapple with, especially when we’re grieving. Grief has a way of affecting our […]

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Test &Raquo; Logo The Accountability Coach


this is a test The post test appeared first on The Accountability Coach. Originally Published on

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Embracing Nature’s Wisdom: A Journey To Holistic Wellness &Raquo; Image 12

Embracing Nature’s Wisdom: A Journey to Holistic Wellness

Photo by Freepik For millennia, nature has served as a source of healing and restoration, offering remedies and tranquil sanctuaries. In today’s fast-paced world, there is a growing movement to reconnect with ancient practices, intertwining the wisdom of the past with modern wellness approaches. This article by Rebecca Welch, blogger for the website Find The […]

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It’s Heavier Than You Think! &Raquo; 2318

It’s Heavier than You think!

People think grief just drifts away – like blowing dandelion seeds into the wind and watching them drift away. Loss is a topic that often gets brushed aside or misunderstood, but its impact is profound and undeniable. When you’ve experienced the loss of a loved one, you know firsthand the weight of grief. It’s not […]

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Workforce Retraining And Sales Careers &Raquo; Mypicrev

Workforce Retraining and Sales Careers

I saw a question posed, “What is a healthy unemployment rate?” The answer was between 3 and 5%. Today (July 9. 2024) it stands at 4.1%, which is allegedly healthy, but tell that to the 6 million adults who can’t find a job.  You might have also heard about all the jobs that go unfilled, […]

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Citizens Unite &Raquo; Img 0103

Citizens Unite

America is not just a country, it is an idea. And that idea belongs to everybody who wishes to serve it. ~Bono This post was written by my sister, Stacey Lazos. My husband had his oath ceremony last week. It was the culmination of 8 years of moving toward the idea of America and on […]

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