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People don’t interact with your age but with your vibe

At 60 I don’t think others interact with my age. They interact with my vibe.

People are less concerned about your age than you think! They are too worried about their own age and your perception of them. Think about it!

When you interact with others, what draws you to them? Their age? 😵‍💫 Probably not. It’s their energy, their outlook, the way they make you feel. It goes both ways.

Once you realize this then you can be free of the shackles of fear of aging. Hopefully you will keep aging. Hopefully I will too.

Yes there is loss and there are ailments and struggles and all the rest of it. But quite honestly, at 60 I am extremely grateful to be alive. And I feel an inner joy about it that doesn’t compare to when I turned say, 25. 😳

I’m not pulling my hair out because I am no longer 20, 30, 40, 50 … My best days aren’t behind me and neither are yours. As long as I feel I’m living my purpose, my dharma, as long as I am engaged with life, I will keep thriving. And so will you.

The best day is today. The best age is the age we are NOW, young or old and anything in between. ❤️

When you think in terms of energy instead of age, what is one thing you could do this week that would make you reconnect with your youthful vibrant energy that is timeless, ageless? Let’s talk!

#artinaging #flyageless #over40 #over50 #thisis60 #proage #ageposituve #proaging #styleover60 #styleover50

Lorraine C. Ladish Digital Content Creator

Lorraine C. Ladish, a Spanish-American residing in Sarasota, Florida, is a prominent figure in women's empowerment. As the publisher of, she leads a bilingual online community celebrating life at 50+. With a diverse background, Lorraine has authored books on various topics and transitioned to online content creation in 2009. In 2014 she became a digital influencer, recognized by major publications like Oprah Daily. At 60, Lorraine continues to set goals, challenging age stereotypes. Her writing has been featured in renowned publications, emphasizing her commitment to combating ageism and inspiring positivity across generations.

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